chapter sixty-three

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Chapter 63


Hand-hand, without backup, Bonnie Bennett and Niklaus Mikaelson marched their way onto the battlefield. Bonnie's magic, combined with Klaus's hybrid energy, had allowed Bonnie to find out exactly where her daughter was... and therefore Dahlia.

As Bonnie and Klaus looked around, desperately searching for anyone to kill, her heart started to clench. "I'm sure this is where she is... I can feel it."

Klaus nodded, inhaling long. It had been years since he had used his nose to find a scent but now, the ability was not only useful but necessary. He turned towards the wooded forest, noting how in acres of empty space nothing or no one was to be found.

"How is it that no one is here?" Bonnie questioned.

Klaus growled as his eyes turned golden, his attention remaining fixated on the empty space in front of him. "It is an illusion," Klaus spoke. "I can hear breathing."

As he spoke that, an arrow can shoot from out of nowhere. Bonnie easily deflected it, her reflex skills having been better since she moment she had first begun channeling Klaus.

She rolled her eyes at the effort. "Come fight us!" Bonnie yelled towards the empty acres of land. "Either that or I'll come find you."

"I'll save you some time," Bonnie heard a voice echo from around her. It was low, but foreign and even the voice seemed powerful.

"Dahlia," Klaus growled.

Bonnie turned around, looking back and forth trying to find where this voice was coming from. She clenched her fist in anger when she didn't see anything.

With a wave of power, Bonnie and Klaus tensed as dozens of people started to form a circle beneath them. Their eyes were glossed over and their movements were robotic, signaling that they might be mind-controlled. "Infused with only a fraction of my power," Dahlia started. "Let us see how well you hold up."

Part of her, the old her, started to feel guilty. None of the people were getting a choice. Nevertheless, if she had to pick these people or her daughter... she picked her daughter.

As Bonnie and Klaus took their positions, Bonnie heard the same voice again.

"Let the battle begin."




"This is literally impossible!"

Mina Alise Bennett so desperately wanted to throw something against a wall. The action must've clearly been one of her favorites because in the hour since she had found out that baby Alix was kidnapped, she had broken three vases, two side tables, and her phone.

"Hush, child," Addison scolded. "I am trying to concentrate."

Addison, Eleanor, and Kelia all held hands and chanted in a circle. After only a couple of seconds, the trio began to back up slowly, signaling that it was time for the next part of the spell. Bailey, Emery, and Mina all stood, making their way beside their respective partner for this spell.

"Bonnie is our Queen," Kelia said calmly. "Let us help her."

In the middle of the makeshift circle, a small ball appeared.

Eleanor spoke the next part. "Together, conjoined as one, we call upon our ancestors."

This time, everyone spoke, repeating Eleanor's line. "Together, conjoined as one, we call upon our ancestors." As the Bennett witches chanted together, they watched as the ball began to expand slowly.

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