chapter sixty-four

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Chapter 64


Mina carried Bonnie's dead body through the grassed battlefield.

She looked past all of the dead bodies, all of the torn limbs, and all of the blood. Her expression was blank although her face was covered in dried tears and runny mascara. She was straining, no. Bonnie's body was light in her arms, limp. The fact didn't help keep any more stray tears out of her face.

The Strix, Finn, Klaus, and Elijah were dealing with the additional people attacking them. It wasn't as easy as one might expect seeing that they had magic and no witch was currently on their side helping them fight.

Nevertheless, they were making quite some progress. Klaus, however, turned around at the wrong moment and ending up locking eyes with Mina.

Speeding away from his brother, Klaus appeared next to Mina, holding his arms out for her body. Mina's shoulders dropped as more tears flowed down her face. Leaning towards Klaus, she slid Bonnie's body into his arms.

"Elyza too," She choked out. "Alixandra is fine."

Klaus shook his head as his eyes filled with tears that didn't hesitate to fall. Allowing his body to sink with her, he fell to his knees, leaning over her non-beating heart. He was silent for a few seconds, the only thing being heard over the collection of screams and violence was his subtle sobs.

As his forehead touched hers, he leaned back, letting out a painful roar. Mina stepped backward, watching as Klaus's eyes turned golden with rage. His foot cracked and popped as did his shoulder.

Mina gasped as she continued to back up.

Within seconds, standing in front of her was a large, deadly wolf with jet-black fur covering his body. Klaus turned around and pounced on the nearest person he found.

Elijah turned around at the revelation of his brother's werewolf side, something he had only seen when he had first initially turned. He looked to Mina, being too far away to see her tears, but being close enough to see what was lying on the ground in front of her.

Speeding over to her, Elijah wrapped his arms around her body as she finally allowed her body to give in. Screaming out to the universe, to her mom, to anyone who would listen, she sobbed as her body convulsed. Sliding down, Elijah kneeled to the ground with her. His heart ached as he heard her screams, knowing he was unable to do anything to stop it, to heal her pain.

Deciding that there was nothing he could save for rocking her, he did. Rubbing her back, Mina cried as her entire world shattered into thousands of pieces.

And unlike before, she was unsure it could ever be mended.




"Where is Elyza?" Kol bit quickly, watching as one by one his siblings, and Mina, walked through the door. It wasn't until he saw Klaus carry in Bonnie's body did he quiet.

He looked around the room. As much as he had started to care for the little feisty Bennett Queen, it didn't change the fact that he wanted to know where his wife was.

"Kol," Mina sniffed, taking a couple of steps towards him. While they had obviously won the battle, Mina looked defeated and full of despair.

The younger original stepped back, his shoulders dropping. "No," He shook his head. "No." He said more forcefully.

"Kol," Elijah cooed softly. "Brother, I am sorry."

Kol lifted his hands to his head before balling them into fist and pounding his forehead with them. Looking up at his brothers, his eyes flooded with tears, quickly breaking through. His heart dropped to his stomach and his throat tightened.

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