Volume 1: Prologue

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No Pov.

======Monarch Outpost, Monster Island========

The screen views the Earth Prime of DaiKaiju-Verse, and it goes through the atmosphere as the camera views the oceans, dolphins, seagulls and whales. Finally, Jiro Serizawa narrated.

Jiro: Hello, My name is Jiro Serizawa, the Head of Monarch. This is our world or universe, what we called it DaiKaiju-Verse, home for our monstrous allies..The DaiKaiju Warriors.

The camera views the island of Monarch Outpost where all Kaijus or Titan heroes live in peace together, it shows 50 Co-workers of Monarch in the Outpost alongside 230 Monarch Soldiers to keep the island prohibited from anyone to step on their island.

The camera views the island of Monarch Outpost where all Kaijus or Titan heroes live in peace together, it shows 50 Co-workers of Monarch in the Outpost alongside 230 Monarch Soldiers to keep the island prohibited from anyone to step on their island

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Jiro: This island I've found since the Omniverse Wars against both Virgolial and Dormammu, now all of Heisei DaiKaiju's homes combine our world into one. The Island is now Monarch Outpost, and Virtus and his Kaiju or Titan associates decided to live in Monster Island so they can all live in peace.


It shows all of Monarch Outpost Island where they built a dorm, the same as Kong, but it was built for Heisei DaiKaiju Heroes, all heroin monstrous friends such as Virtus and his friends.

(A/n: Here are all of the list of old friends).

First Heisei DaiKaiju (Inspiration of Kuuga):

-Virtus the V-Arceon Dragon (Leader)

-Trigger Happy the Cowboy Gremlin Kaijin

-Thunderbolt the Electro-Lizard Kaiju

-Crocosaurus the Ancient Crocodile Kaiju

-Razor the Timber Wolf Anthro (Voice of Casey Affleck)

-Spitter the Radiated Dilophosaurus (Voice of Josh Gad)

-NinKaiju the Ninja Frog Kaijin (Voice of Ken Watanabe)

-Kongamato the Ancient African Pterosaur (Voice of Mark Hamil)

-Yin the Light/Darkness Dragoness (Virtus' Mate/Wife)

-Krystaldon the Crystal Dinosaur

-Pacha the Wild Puma Anthro

-Tatsugon (Draco) the Gliding Lizard Kaiju

-Phanto-Storm (Ghost Storm) the Phantasmic Reptilian Storm

-Sakima the Saurophaganax Kaiju

-Sylvia the Sylveon Anthro (Trigger Happy's Mate/Wife)

-Aqualina the Aqua Anole Kaiju (Thunderbolt's Mate/Wife)

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