Prologue: Raining in the ranch

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Loneliness was all he had ever known.

Perhaps that wasn't entirely true, yet his heart continued to invite the façade that maybe, despite the amazing and fun life he had in Kokiri forest, that he was always alone. Memories of the Deku Tree, Mido, and Saria flooded his brain as Epona trotted slowly towards her original home of Lon Lon Ranch, relieved to finally get some well needed R&R after all that had happened in Termina.

It wasn't like he had anyone else to turn to, a confession so hesitant and painful, though he couldn't doubt its truth. As much as he missed his family in the forest, he couldn't return. Not alive anyway, as no fairy protection ensured the soul would be forever lost, similar to the prankster who donned Majora's mask. A small pang to the heart affected the hero of time as he remembered the sentiment shared between them and the giants amidst Termina Field.

It was all in the past though, or at least he tried to convince his mind as such, since then the ticking of clocks ambushed his ears like thunder; loud, sudden, and unwanted. He never blamed the citizens of that world, or the Skull Kid for his body's actions, for it was not their fault that the face of anonymity haunted his every wake, their unknowing eyes piercing his beating heart.

In truth, it was unknown whether Malon would recognize him in this time, or if that was another future privilege forcefully ripped from his sensitive hands. The princess, meaning well, gifted back to him his lost childhood, but it ultimately left him with nothing, now cursed with the body of a child, and the mind of a seasoned soldier. Closing his eyes for only a short moment, the forest sprite sighed as they finally reached their destination of Lon Lon Ranch.

Immediately, he was hit with the smell of hay. It was comforting in a familiar sense, as he subconsciously repressed memories of aliens and regret. His stomach rumbled with a request of Lon Lon milk, his favorite beverage, only slightly topping the famous Chateau Romani. Oh, to get absolutely hammered again to forget, but Hyrulean laws were much more strict than that of Termina, and he probably needed to quit, anyway. Shaking his head to focus, the forest sprite hopped off his trusty steed and knocked on the wooden door, hoping it was Malon or Talon that would answer.

The goddesses hate him, he was sure of it. "Look who once again decided to show their snotty little face here!" Ingo, immediately making a scene, declared rather obnoxiously, as if giving a public speech. "Where's Malon?" The young hero questioned rather bluntly, not quite in the mood for whatever Ingo had to say. The Ranch hand did not take it well, only gasping before giving Link the stink eye. "Excuse me? You may have beaten me in a horse race, but I am still your superior!" Lowering his voice, the Ill tempered man only spoke with disgust. "Just because you're Malon's favorite doesn't give you the right to waltz in here and do whatever you want. Go back to wherever you came from."

Scowling at the ranch hand, the forest sprite pulled out his Ocarina, the instrument that had been with him through thick and thin, and stood rather proudly. Tightening his grip on the beloved gift while displaying a rather smug look, the young hero was confident that Ingo got the message clearly. His hypothesis was quickly proven correct when Ingo widened his eyes, shaking his head while mumbling "no" and "don't, she'll hear you." Blissfully ignoring his pleas, the forest sprite played Epona's song right outside the front door, performing for anyone else who might be beyond the wooden walls. Meanwhile Ingo froze, opening his ears to any movement that would be heading towards the door, of which he is still blocking.

Epona, being the good girl that she is, neighed happily and trotted around her hylian friend, creating more sound much to Ingo's dismay. Suddenly, the turn of a doorknob had both silent, waiting patiently for the voice of either a young girl, or a kind man, knowing Ingo was neither. When the door opened, the forest sprite was met with shining red hair and brilliant blue eyes, her smile warm and inviting. His heart was met with the familiar feeling of yearning, only hoping that she had simply remembered him. Honestly, that's all he could request out of anyone anymore. A cheery voice brought him out of his doubts, and he realized that Ingo was now standing to the side, averting his gaze. Serves him right!

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