Chapter 15 ~Secrets & Lies ~

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*WARNING - Adult Content*

~Eva's POV~

As I walk away from Tom, my mind is awash with conflicting emotions. The weight of his possessive words lingers, intertwining with the memory of the chilling events I've just witnessed. My heart aches with a toxic mix of desire and dread, but I push those feelings down, focusing on the task at hand.. Well, at least I try. I can't really comprehent anything that just happened. I knew Tom was up to no good... but this...? 
Lord Voldemort.... Why does this name sound so familiar.... I heard that before..
Wasn't it on the coat .. the coat that- oh ....

I leave the dark corridors of the hidden meeting place as quickly as possible, the chill a stark contrast to the suffocating tension inside. I wrap my cloak tighter around me, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. My thoughts turn to Dumbledore, the only one who knows the full extent of my predicament. He must have foreseen this, I tell myself. He wouldn't send me into a situation without a way out. At least, I hope not..

As I make my way back to Hogwarts, the familiar towers of the castle come into view, a beacon of solace amidst the chaos. The hallways are quiet, most students and teachers already asleep. I navigate the darkened corridors with ease, slipping into my quarters unnoticed.

Once inside, I let out a shaky breath, my body finally relaxing. I lean against the door, the events of the evening crashing over me in waves. I rush through my wardrobe, trying to find the coat that had been wraped around me the night Theodore attacked me.

Holding it in my hand, I pull out the name sign, "Lord Voldemort" ....
What - He - he - he was there.. He knows. He knew.. Why didn't he tell me.. 
It would be easy to get plus points by me for saving 
I don't know why the fact that Tom saved me shock me so much.

~The next day~

The following morning, I rise early, the weight of the previous night's events pressing heavily on my mind. I prepare myself for the meeting at the Ministry, dressing in professional robes. I take extra care to ensure my appearance is flawless, knowing that any sign of weakness could be exploited.

The journey to the Ministry is a blur of apprehension and determination.
I just hope it has nothing to do with Theodore...he is the last person I want to see.
The Ministry building looms before me, its imposing structure a reminder of the bureaucracy and power it wields.

Inside, the halls are bustling with witches and wizards, each absorbed in their own business. I make my way to the appointed meeting room, my steps echoing in the cavernous space.

"Good morning, I'm Eva Orlov," I say to the witch behind the desk. "I have an appointment."

She nods and hands me a visitor's badge. "Level Two, office seven," she says. "Someone will meet you there."

I thank her and make my way to the lifts, my heart pounding. As the lift ascends, I try to steady my nerves. I don't know what awaits me, but I have to be prepared for anything..

The door to office seven is ajar, and I push itopen slowly. 
It creaks open, revealing a dimly lit room with a long table at its center.
And I see a man standing at the far end, his back to me as he gazes out the window.

"Eva," he says without turning, his voice cold and clipped. "Punctual as always."

"Theodore," I reply, my tone equally icy. "What is this about? Scared to come over, understandable after last time." >Tom made you fly out of the room, just like you deserve it<

He turns to face me, his expression unreadable.
"We need to talk," he says, gesturing for me to sit.
I remain standing, my arms crossed defensively.

"Make it quick," I say. "I have no desire to spend any more time with you than necessary."

His lips curl into a smirk. "Always so defiant. I see some things never change. But I think you it is better for you to sit, I advice."

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