The start

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5 years Before y/ns wedding

Yn was adopted by park bo ky  (the owner of shinwa group) because his wife could not bear a child her mother kim da eun  she was a kind hearted person but her husband was the total opposite he was a cruel person . He loved his wife very much but didn't like yn

One morning
Yn/dad : where are you?
Yn: I am in my room
Yn/dad:so you should know that you have to work to get life experience

Yn was a obedient child she agreed
Yn was good at fighting because she was black belt in kung fu and shadow boxing

She applied for jobs in many places but no one was ready to take her . She was eating a doughnut and drinking. Coffee and out of the blue a suspicious man came and asked her

...... : will you like to work with me
Yn : first of all who are you and why would I like to work with you you are so suspicious
......: it will give you 5 cr for every mission you do
Yn:wtf mission are you some type of mafia
She laughed
.....: no I am from cia
Yn: show me your id
.....: take it
Name Daniel
Age 25
Daniel:i know that you are good at fitting
Yn:are you stalking me i have never told anyone that
Daniel:i told you that I was a agent
Yn :ok but I need some time to think about it
After one month she made her mind that she will do it

Yn : Daniel i am ready
Daniel:ok yn come out of the house. I pick you up
Yn :ok

After some time she sat in a car she was taken into a forest and in the middle there was a small house

Yn:is this your headcouter . You remember you need to give me 5cr

Daniel said nothing they went inside and he pushed a button and a lift came from under the floor

Yn :omg
Daniel:are you shocked then you are going to be more shocked when you see the main part

They went down there was a whole city under ground

Yn :why did you not told me before
Daniel:now you need to start training
Yn :i know fighting . Why do I need to start training
Daniel: because being a spy is not easy you need to learn sign language , morse code, how to use a gun and most importantly how to blend in with the crowd

After 3 years of perfection in every mission she was on the top

Authors pov : but something more scarier, dangerous and hard person awaits her will she be able to do it or not and who is the mafia

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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