Chapter 16 ~Consequences~

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~ Morning ~

The soft light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. I wake slowly, my body aching in the most delicious way. Tom is still beside me, his arm draped possessively over my waist. For a moment, I allow myself to bask in the warmth of his embrace, to believe in the possibility of a future where we can be together without the shadows looming over us.

But reality quickly intrudes, and I remember the mission that lies ahead.
I slowly remove his arm around me,not to wake Tom, and dress quickly. My mind is already racing with plans and contingencies, the weight of our shared secrets pressing heavily on my shoulders.

As I turn to leave, Tom stirs, his eyes opening to fix on me with a sleepy, possessive gaze. "Where are you going?" he murmurs, his voice thick with sleep.

"I have to prepare for the day," I say softly, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. "There's much to be done."

He nods, his hand reaching out to grasp mine. "See you after." he says, his eyes darkening with a warning. 

"Yes.." I reply, squeezing his hand. "I will be back after classes."

He smiles, a slow, predatory smile that sends a thrill through me. "Yes," he murmurs.

As I leave the chamber, my mind is already focused on the tasks ahead. There is much to be done, and the path ahead is fraught with danger.

In the classroom, Tom is the picture of charm and authority. His students hang on his every word, their admiration palpable. But behind closed doors, in the privacy of his chambers, he is a different man. Possessive, intense, and demanding. Our encounters are a volatile mix of passion and power, leaving me breathless and confused.

Dumbledore's warnings echo in my mind, but the lines between duty and desire blur more with each passing day. Nothing is as it seems.. I keep reminding myself.
And I know I should report back to him, but the thought of betraying Tom fills me with dread. I tell myself that I can manage this, that I can keep my true intentions hidden from Tom while also fulfilling my mission. But deep down, I know it's only a matter of time before everything unravels...

On my way to my first class, Albus stops me in my tracks.
"Do you have one minute?" He asks softly and I nod.
"Of course.. What is it sir?" 
We walk to a more private area, gazing at the landscape of hogwarts. 
I always liked the view from the bridge, it has a charm which is nowhere else to find.

After a view minutes of view gazing, Albus speaks softly, 
"How are you doing, miss Eva?" 
I glance at him, "Well.. as good as it can be Prof- Albus.. " I reply with a bit of sadness in my voice.
"You have come closer, didn't you?" I nod.
"Be ware.. Tom is an excellent wizard, and an even better manipulator. Do not underestimate his power of tricking your mind." 
I slowly nod, looking  around. Honestly I believe this already happened. 

"I know sir. I will be more careful. You see.. he has followers.. They.. They call themselves deatheaters.. I don't know why.. But I will find out what his exact plans are."
Albus looks at me concerned, "Be careful not to get stuck in place. Sometimes, just going for a walk helps, Miss Orlov..."

Albus's eyes hold a mixture of concern and wisdom as he gazes at me. "Remember, Miss Orlov, in times of darkness, even the smallest light can guide you home. Trust in your instincts, but do not let your heart cloud your judgment."

With a determined nod, I thank Albus for his counsel and turn to face the day, knowing that the path I walk is fraught with danger and uncertainty. 

As I make my way to my first class, my thoughts are a turbulent mix of Albus's warnings and the need to gather more information about Tom. The corridors of Hogwarts are a familiar sanctuary, yet now they seem to whisper secrets and dangers around every corner. The students bustle past, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to the weight of the mission that hangs over me.

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