19. Shocking Truth

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The pilot made an announcement. "Good morning, Mr Romano. We have entered the Italian air and will soon land on the ground."

I found myself wrapped in the embrace of Arshi, whose head rested on the chest while the body rested the seat. Her soft breath felt like a gentle hum.

I just kept staring at my beautiful wife, who even looked prettier when sleeping.

I slowly removed the hairs that were disturbing her face.

The soft sun ray, my beautiful wife sleeping on my chest like a baby... the perfect morning, a new journey to unfold.

A tender smile formed my lips, I gently wrapped my hands around her, securing her in my arms. For a moment, I cherished the sweet time with her.

Arshi stirred, her eyes slowly fluttering open and met the soft gaze of mine.

A soft blush occurred on her cheeks as she realized her position. "I-I-mmust have accidentally fallen on you," She mumbled while trying to get up, and I pulled her closer, only a few inches away from my lips.

"You are adorable when you sleep,wifey."

She blushed.

She parted her lips to say something, but I sealed it with a soft, gentle kiss. Her eyes were wide open in shock. I could hear her heartbeat racing while her breathing almost stopped.

"Sir -" Dominic entered the room and widened his eyes in shock as he saw me kissing her. He quickly turned. "I-I-must come later." he ran off while Arshi straightened herself and blushed harder.

"I-I will fresh up." She ran.

I straightened myself and called Dominic coldly. He entered the room with his head hung low. "I am So -"

"Dont you have the basic manner in yourself? Don't you know you should knock on the door?" I scolded while glaring at him.

He didn't speak a word.


Soon, the jet landed, and the door unlocked,welcoming the soft sunrays to enter the jet and fresh air enter my nostrils.

As I gazed down,I saw five black Suvs and my men standing, holding their revolver in attention position. I turned to see Arshi packing her things. "Leave it. Dominic will send your things to home."

She looked at me. "Oh -" I walked to her and picked her up in bridal style.

"Now you are in my territory and the queen of my territory. Welcome to Rome, love. The kingdom that now belongs to you"

As I descended the jet's stairs ,my grip around Arshi tightened , her body rigid in my arms.

As her eyes roamed around her, a fear shined.

All she saw was my men wearing black suits and sunglasses while holding premium guns in their hands.

I don't blame her for being scared with her surroundings as a girl would expect a warm welcome.

I carried her to my car and settled her in the passenger seat.

I shut the door and glared at my men "Fuckers!! No one said you to stand here with revolvers ! I said you to have a warm welcome with roses!" I yelled.

"We are sorry, boss - actually we thought -"

"I will drive."

I took the key of my Lamborghini from the chauffer and settled in.

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