20. The taste of yours

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As Arshi  stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a plush towel, Rune's gaze was captivated by her radiant beauty.

He lay on the bed, his eyes fixed on her, his breath caught in his throat. The dim lights in the room cast a soft glow on her skin, illuminating her natural beauty. The cool air from the AC caressed her damp hair, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the soft light.


I could feel Rune's blazing intensity. His stares scorch my body like wildfire. His hot stares devoured every inch of my body, even the parts that were covered.

Rune's eyes burned with a hunger of lust.

"Stop staring like that,"

"Like what?"

"Like you love me,"

"I do,"

"You don't."

"Should I prove you?"

"You can not."

"I can."

The next moment, I was tossed over his shoulder while a hard palm slapped my buttocks.

He placed me on the dressing table and leaned closer to my face. His hot breath brushed against my wet skin, leaving a burning sensation.

"Leave -"

He brushed his lips against mine.

"Vanilla," he said in an intoxicating voice.

"You don't love me. You just want me, actually my body." I said while trying to push him away.

He stared deeply in my soul. "Who doesn't want your body?"

His words shattered me.

"You married me for my body?" A tear escaped.

"Of course. As Deric said, I work on profits, not on feelings."

"And when you will get bored... you will throw me away? Like a toy?"

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "That day will never come."

I controlled my tears.

"Now," he said in a stern voice, "Be a good girl and let me taste you."

Within a second, I was naked completely.

He licked his lips.

"Godly," he said.

His tongue traced my jawline and then neck to collarbones, cleavage, and then slowly lower abdomen to my womanhood.

He grabbed my thighs and stretched them out.

"I just had my bath," I said, folding my legs together and palming my core.

"Bath again." He said, removing my hand.

"Are you always so Lusty?"

"Only for you,"


"No more words."

He parted my legs and pulled me closer. My legs circled his waist. My wet core rubbed his hard cock. 


He bit a spot in my cleavage, leaving a purple mark. I bit my lips as I didn't want to moan.

Suddenly, without any warnings, I felt two fingers inside me. I moaned loudly.

"If I don't hear this sounds from you, then you won't be able to walk for days."

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