21. I was forced

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I unlocked the door and saw my brother Deric, who had serious and curious expression on his face.

No chit-chat. No beating around her bush. Just straight to the point.

"Meet me in the pool area," he said in a low voice.

He walked away, and I followed him.

A moment of temporary tranquility before the storm. Deric hands Rune a refreshing drink, and Rune takes a sip, his legs dangling in the cool water.

The peaceful atmosphere is palpable, but Rune knows it's about to be disrupted. He braces himself for what's to come.

Deric sat by the pool's edge, his legs hung in the water, as the afternoon sunlight streaming through the windows cast a warm glow across the tranquil scene. The air was filled with the sweet scent of chlorine and the soft sound of water lapping against the pool's edges.

"I hope you didn't go hard on her while doing it," Deric said, his voice low and grave, breaking the silence.

Rune's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression unreadable. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his tone measured, trying to conceal the unease creeping up his spine. He took a sip of his drink while his eyes stared at the water.

"Doing what?" he added, feigning ignorance, his heart racing with a growing sense of trepidation.

Deric's gaze lingered over Rune's appearance, his shirt was crumbled, and his hair was messy.

"Dont play dumb," he said while taking a sip of his drink.

"She must be new to all these activities, so go slow on her and do not do it without her consent." Deric said.

Rune remained silent.

"Get to the point." He said coldly. He loomed at Deric. "I am sure you didn't leave your work to have some chit-chat with me...get on point." He said in one breath.

Deric nodded slowly "Hmm you have become so busy nowadays."

"I was -"

"Why did you marry her?" Deric asked in a stern voice. "I know you don't love her,

Rune lowly  chuckled at the statement.

Deric expression changed into serious ones, his voice became bold while eyes glared at Rune.


Rune chuckled softly. "I love -"

Deric stood up angrily and threw the glass on the floor. It shattered into pieces while Rune sat still without any reaction to his elder brother's action.

He laughed tenderly at Deric's behavior.

"Fucking lies!!" Deric roared. 

He grabbed Rune's collar tightly, his eyes burning with fury and disgust. "You-You forced her into this. You - you forced her to be a part of your disgusting life, you moron!"
Deric yelled while little tears gathered inside his eyes.


Suddenly Deric punched Rune hard on his jaws. His lip got a mark while he bled a little.

Rune's eyes blazed with anger, his jaw clenched in pain. "What the hell, Deric?!" he growled, his fists clenched at his sides.

"You are a  shame for me, Rune. I was-i was once so proud of you, but you shattered my pride." Deric's voice broke.

Deric's eyes fell, his face a picture of sorrow, his features etched with pain and disgust. His lips trembled, his gaze dimming with unshed tears.

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