Chapter 3

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Upon reaching the Cavalli mansion, Ava and her dad got off their car and were welcomed by Mr. Cavalli himself. They were led to the dining room where a magestic feast was waiting for them. Ava saw everything in awe. They sat down and Mr. Cavalli and Ava's dad started to talk while Ava sat with her hands on her lap.
"Do you know Ava why you are here?", asked Mr. Cavalli.
Ava very politely nodded, to which Mr Cavalli told her, "We are here to arrange your marriage with my son, Marco."
Ava couldn't believe what she heard, she looked at her father who passed her an angry look.
"I don't even know his son! How can you fix my marriage dad?"
"You'll do as I say. End of story."
Ava kept quiet and Marco entered the room. He smirked at Ava and sat down. They all began eating.
Marco was a tall man, with tattoos snaked around his arms and neck. His piercings made him look so perfect and personable. He was massive and had this lean muscular built. His hair as messy as they could be. His icy blue eyes glinted with death. He was a sort of man who could make people cower before him in fear.

Ava didn't want to be married off to some stranger.
All through the dinner, she kept her head down except once where she found Marco eyeing her.
"So, it's decided then; tomorrow we'll all meet once again to decide the wedding's venue and other things", said Mr. Cavalli and Ava's dad smiled in agreement.
Ava tried her best to hold back her tears and the only thought that crossed her mind was that, had her mother been alive, she wouldn't have had let she a thing happen to her.

They all got up after the dinner and Ava and her dad waved them adieu and left. Ava kept sobbing the entire way back. Her father didn't care to ask her if she was okay with what was going to happen.
Upon reaching back, she burst crying. She couldn't believe her own father would do that to her. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Back at the Cavalli mansion;
"Marco you'll be married soon, I hope you wouldn't do your stupid stuff with that girl again. Actually for that matter, with any girl!", said Mr.Cavalli in anger.
Marco laughed it off and smirked, "I'll do what I want to dad. It's my goddamn life, I make the rules!"
"Do whatever you want to!"

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