Chapter 7

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Ava felt disgusted and got drunk; she could see Marco making out with another woman and it made her furious. She couldn't stomach it. She drank so much and walked out of the bar. She didn't bother to inform Marco that she was leaving. Just as Ava was about to get in the cab two men surrounded her.
One of them got hold of her, upon seeing this the cab driver drove away.
"Hey beautiful, are you up here alone at this hour?", one of them said.
"Let me make you feel all fucked up, gorgeous."
Ava screamed to let her go but they dragged her to a secluded corner. One of them held her and the other one eyed her with evil intent. As he was about to touch her, she saw him being pulled back and saw Marco and a few other men with guns in their hands.
Marco shot the guy who he pulled back just then. Looking at all the blood oozing out from the dead guy, Ava passed out.
The other guy threatened Marco to back off, "Hey move away, otherwise this girl won't make out of here alive."
Marco shot this other guy straight in his head before he could speak another word. He bent over, lifted the small frame of Ava in his arms and went off.

Next morning, Ava woke up to find herself lying next to Marco.
"Oh crap! What happened after I passed out? Did Marco take advantage of my vulnerable state?"
Marco was still asleep. Ava saw Marco intently. She thought to herself, "He's just so handsome and muscular. He's so perfect even when he sleeps."
She suddenly drove all her thoughts away, "How can I think so highly of him? He was making out with that woman at the bar yesterday! All the more, why would he fall for me, when he has tonnes of girls going head over heels for him?"
Marco woke up this moment and calmly said, "Morning Ava!"
But before he could say another word Ava gritted through her teeth, " Leave, right away! I don't want to see you."
Just then Marco got hold of Ava's wrist and pushed her to the bed with him over her, "Why do I have to repeat myself, baby girl?", said Marco in a deadly calm voice.
"You belong to me and you'll do what I ask of you. Only two days to go, and you'll legally be mine"
Ava fell silent.
Marco kissed Ava on her lips while she was lying motionless. He got up and left the room.

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