Chapter 9

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"You look really hot in this dress", Marco told Ava as he kept looking at her.
Ava smiled at him.
The pastor began the ceremony.
"Do you, Mr. Marco Cavalli, take Ms. Ava Gambino to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death does you part?
"I do", said Marco as he smirked at Ava. The whole gathering burst into cheers.
"Do you, Ms. Ava Gambino, take Mr. Marco Cavalli to be you husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death does you part?
Ava hesitated for a moment, "I-I do."
The pastor asked them to exchange the rings. Everyone clapped as the pastor announced, "I now announce you both, Mr. and Mrs. Cavalli, as man and wife! The groom may kiss his bride."

Marco pulled Ava into a passionate kiss and whispered in her ear in his deep voice, "You're mine now, wifey!"
Ava blushed. They walked down to the table where everyone was to eat.
Marco told Ava, "Our parents have decided for our honeymoon, my lady."
"Where are we going to?"
"I don't know about it, they're too secretive."
Ava nodded and started to eat her food. As soon as she finished her food, she got up to get changed into a comfy wear and went along with Marco to his private jet. She was already exhausted from the wedding and slept through all the flight.

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