Chapter 3- Reunited, and it Feels So Good

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(A/N: a little extra treat in honor of me getting my learner's permit)

Sam and Dean arrived at the farmhouse with no issues.

"Oh, look at that, Sammy. They've got us a greeting card." Dean joked as they saw the "This is How it Ends" sign.

As they rode to the drive way to the building, Sam had to lean forward to read the scribbled messages in the steel.

"Behold, there was a great earthquake, the sun became as black as death. The seas boiled, the moon became as blood, the skies fell. Revelations 6:12."

"Ah, that's always nice." Dean sarcastically said.

They eventually pull up to the front of the farmhouse.

"Okay, so it looks like this Egon guy was a bit of a recluse." Dean said as they exited the car. "Could benefit from a fixer upper."

"Yeah, no kidding." Sam said as he looked at his phone. "This place doesn't have any service. So, worse comes to shove, we'll have to rely on praying power." He pushed his phone into his pocket.

"Praying power, funny."

"Look, let's just go in there and..." Sam trailed off as he locked eyes with the teenager that was currently staring at them with shock and disbelief.

A tall male teenager with black curly hair, brown eyes, pale skin with freckles...

No freaking way.

"Hold the phone, why does that kid look familiar?" Dean asked, also looking at the kid.

"Dean... you remember the whole Lizzie Borden, soulless babysitter thing, right?" Sam asked him. "I... I think that's Jordie."

"Wait, seriously?" Dean asked, a bit stunned. "That Pinsky kid's a Spengler?"

"Once way to find out." Sam told him before addressing the teenager. "Jordie? Jordie Pinsky?"

The boy walked over to them, still looking in shock. He didn't say anything till he got closer.

"Sam and Dean Winchester?" He asked, his voice quiet, yet clear.

"Oh my god, it's him." Dean muttered in surprise.

This seemed to snap whatever trance the kid seemed to be in. "Well, I mean, I go by Trevor Spengler now, but yeah, it's me. Not gonna lie, I'm surprised that you remember me."

Sam chuckled. "Nonsense. I remember that face from anywhere." He said before pulling the kid into a hug, one that Jor-Trevor greatly accepted.

Man, that's gonna be a weird one.

"Christ, kid. Puberty hit you like a freaking truck." Dean said as he to hugged Trevor. "I mean, look at you. You're about as tall as Sam's shoulder height."

"And your hair is way longer than last time."

"And-oh my god, are you growing a mustache??"

"Guys, guys!" Trevor chuckled with a grin. "Yeah, I know things have changed... a lot changed, actually. But, it's actually really nice to see you guys." His grin then diminished a bit. "Even if it's for a case."

"Yeah... Trevor, we're sorry about your grandfather-"

"Don't be. I never met him."

"Oh..." Sam said awkwardly.

"So... Trevor, huh? Why the douchey name?" Dean asked.

"What's wrong with my name?" Trevor asked with raised eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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