Chapter 1: On the Open Road

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"Hey, I think I might have found something."

Dean perked up from his sandwich and looked over to Sam, who was currently looking at something in his computer.

"What's up?"

"75 year old Egon Spengler found dead in his home in Summerville, Oklahoma, Monday morning. The autopsy claims that he died from a heart attack, but there appears to be signs that something was as in the house when he passed, and there's no signs of forced entry."

"Huh," Dean muttered as he took a sip of his beer. "Why does that last name sound familiar?" He asked.

"Because Egon's one for the original members of the Ghostbusters." Sam said as he turned his laptop to show the screen to Dean. "He, along with Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz and Winston Zeeddemore formed the group to fight the ghosts of New York City."

"The dudes from the 80s?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yep." Sam replied.

"I thought the whole Manhattan ghost stories thing was just a hoax they came up with for tourists." Dean said.

"Yeah, but like them, we know that ghosts are real. And a guy who's known for hunting ghosts is found dead like this and people think it's a heart attack? That doesn't make sense." Sam argued.

"Okay, but we don't know if these guys are legit." Dean countered. "Sam, we never heard of any hunters talking about them. And yeah, we were only kids back in '84, so we wouldn't know. And this was after mom died, so she wouldn't know. And regarding dad and Bobby, either they thought these guys were the real deal and didn't like them for trying to expose the supernatural to the public, or they never bought it."

"Yeah..." Sam muttered, his fingers drumming against the table. There was a small silence between the two brothers till Sam sighed and spoke again.

"Look, do we know if the Ghostbusters were legit? No. But, an old man with supposed connections to ghosts was found dead in his home, alone, and no signs of entry even thought it's clear that something was in there when he passed, and yet they said it was a heart attack. I say that we check it out. Best case scenario, it's a case and we get to do our job again. Worst case scenario, it's nothing, but at least we got out and got some fresh air and took a trip. So...?"

Dean stared off for a second, before he gave a sigh and set his beer bottle down on the table.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out." He said.

"By the way, should we contact Cas for this?" Sam asked.

"Nah, he told me that he's busy with some stuff in Heaven. We'll contact him if it's an emergency." Dean said as he got up. "Pack your shit, Sammy, we leave in a hour."

"Okay- woah! Dude!" Sam yelped as Dean began to walk away while eating his sandwich. "What?" The older brother asked, unintentionally leaving crumbs of bread on the floor.

"Crumbs!" Sam pointed out as he saw the floor. "I just cleaned that floor!"

"Oh. Sorry." Dean said, not really sounding apologetic as he waked off.

Sam sighed and shut off his laptop before he also got up and walked to his own room to pack.

Unknown to the Winchesters, however, an old acquaintance of theirs was just about to head over to that same house as well.


"Mom, I'm trying to eat breakfast here." Trevor grumbled as some pieces of his own hair fell on the plate next to the slice of toast.

"Sorry about that." Callie apologized as she kept cutting his hair with the razor.

Ah yes, one of the many things about being poor, you get free haircuts from your own mother. Such as what Callie is doing right now with her son.

"Aww, your little mustache is coming in." Callie cooed as she touched his mustache area where some hair was starting to come in.

"Mom." Trevor said in embarrassment. Don't him wrong, he loves his mom. She took him in after his own parents died because of soulless Sydney, and treated him as if he was her own son. But why does she have to embarrass him like this??


Shit, he hasn't thought of her for months now.

One of the kitchen lights suddenly went out, startling both mother and son.

"Phoebe!" Callie exclaimed, unintentionally nicking Trevor in the neck.

"Ow!" Trevor yelped in pain as he touched the area that was nicked. He pulled back to see some blood. "I'm bleeding!" He then showed his hand to his mom. "You made me bleed!"

"You'll live." Callie told him as she got up and walked over to his sister in the other room.

As his mom and sister were talking, Trevor's mind went back to Sydney. His feelings towards her were complicated. When he was younger and the deaths of his biological parents was still fresh, he hated her for killing them. He hated her so much. But now that he was older and more mentally developed, he now also understood that she wasn't herself when she did that. Sydney had her soul taken and didn't have any feelings and emotions, which made her incredibly dangerous. That what Sam and Dean had explained to him after she died.

Sam and Dean Winchester...

Trevor had sometimes wondered what those guys were up to? The last time he saw them, they had mentioned in passing something about God's sister trying to bring the end of the world (he still has questions about that). He's assumed that they completed that task since, well, the world's still intact. But what crazy adventures have they been up to since then? It's been years! They probably won't even recognize him if they were to run into each other one did these days. Trevor has sometimes thought about writing to them, only to immediately remember that he had no clue where they lived. So, he just hopes that wherever they are, that they're doing alright for themselves.

"Really??" An exasperated Callie asked as she stormed to the door.

Oh, there had been a knock at the door that he didn't notice.

As it turned out, it was the landlord. Apparently, they were being evicted.

"We're being kicked out?" Phoebe's small voice asked a she stood next to Trevor. "Seems like it." He sighed as he leaned against the doorway. He then looked down and saw the frown on his sister's face.

"Hey, we'll be fine." He said as he ran a hand down her hair. "You heard mom that we're moving to grandpa's old place." He smiled lightly as he saw her lean against his touch.

"Okay, kiddos." Callie began as she walked over to talk to her kids. "We need to leave here by tomorrow morning, 9 am sharp. So I want all of your stuffed packed up by tonight before bed." She instructed her kids, getting two nods from them.

Summerville, Oklahoma.

It sounded like a boring place, and Trevor would most definitely miss Chicago. But, he decided to try to stay optimistic about the new move. It might make for a nice change of scenery.

Besides, it not like this is gonna ruin all the work he did to make sure his family never knew about the actual truth about his biological parents deaths, right? Nothing bad's gonna happen.

However, as Trevor sat on the floor, packing up his belongings, he was unaware that he wasn't going to be the only one to head over to his grandfather's home.

And that his past was finally gonna come back to haunt him.


And so, the next day, these two groups, the brothers and the small family, got up, put their stuff in their respective cars, and began their long drive to Summerville.

Unaware that their lives would be changed forever in the entire week.

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