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   "Sergeant, wake your ass up. You have to train the recruits," Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley announced, as he banged his fist on his Sergeant's door.

   "I'm up, I'm up," John 'Soap' MacTavish groaned in response as he sat up in bed.

   "Don't make me come back here again," the Brit threatened as he walked off. His boots could be heard hitting the floor as he walked.

   "Fucker thinks he's Walker: Texas Ranger, or perhaps Oscar th' Grouch. Aye, tha' fits 'im better." John chuckled as he stood up and stretched. He walked over to a mirror on a wall and stared at his reflection. "Good mornin', gorgeous. We're looking fan-fuckin'-tastic today." He winked at himself.

   Soap is an openly pansexual man. But that doesn't mean he flaunts it... all the time.

   The Sergeant walked out of his room and into the barracks hall, where he was greeted by his close friend, Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick.

   "Good morning, Soap. Ghost seemed pissed when he woke you up," Gaz said to the Scot as he walked beside him.

   "When's he no'?" John chuckled.

   "You got a point, mate."

   "Oh, here he comes."

   Simon walked out of the conference room. He had just finished talking to Captain Price. He'd went to his office right after waking Soap up. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and walked down the hall, past the two Sergeants. Soap winked at Gaz, then jogged up to his Lieutenant.

   Ghost's sexuality was a complete secret. He never spoke about it, no matter how many times he was asked. Soap tended to push a bit more than others would. And surprisingly, he'd come back unscathed.

   "Hey, LT. How'd th' meeting go?" He asked as he tried to keep up with the bigger man's pace.

   "How do you think? Every meeting's complete shite," Ghost sighed. He really didn't want to talk to John, but he was the only person who'd listen when he vented, if he wanted. But why would Simon Riley need to vent? He has no problems. Absolutely none.

   "Well, would ye like t' talk aboot it?" Soap asked. That made Simon stop and look over at the Scot.

   "Talk aboot... I mean, about it? What is there to talk about?" He questioned. John arched an eyebrow. It was clear he noticed Ghost mimicking his voice.

   "Well, maybe how th' meetin' made ya feel?" He suggested.

   "I'm not talking to you about my feelings, Sergeant. Now sod off."

   "Aye, sir." And with that, the conversation was over.


   "Nice," Kyle said with a chuckle, as Soap walked back over to him. The Scot punched him in the shoulder, which got a chuckle out of Gaz.

   "Fuck off. He's a tough nut t' crack, but I'll be his nutcracker."

   "Hmm, kinky," Gaz said with a grin. Then the realization hit Soap, and he shoved his fellow Sergeant.

   "Why th' fuck would ye let me say tha?!" John exclaimed as his face burned with embarrassment.

   "I wasn't expecting you to talk about cracking nuts," Gaz said with a laugh.

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