Grumpy Beginings

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"Good morrow father." Daena chimed as she placed a kiss on Viserys head.

"Good morrow Daena." He answered.

"Mother." The princess nodded

"Daena." Queen Alicent spoke. "What hour do you call this?"

"Alicent let the girl be, she is mer minutes late." The king said.

"Yet she is still late and reeks of dragon."

Daena hung her head to hide her childish smirk. "Why is it you called for me?"

There was a moment of silence as the king and queen looked at each other and sighed.

"You understand there will be a feast held with many great people such as lords and members of great houses." Viserys started. "And i understand you have been attending your lady lessons and dance classes."

"I have." Daena spoke. Her voice soft and quiet, waiting for the turning part of the kings speech.

Silence. The king looked down trying to find the words until the queen Alicent spoke, "We just wish for you to be on your best behaviour, Daena."

The princess' brows furrowed and her head sunk into her shoulders, "i will be." She sounded vulnerable, like she had just been accused. "Why haven't you called Aegon or Aemond or Haleana? Why just me?"

"Because you are three and ten. Fit for the marriage mart. These noble houses will be staring particularly at you. So you have to answer their question with grace and not make a fool of yourself and your family." Her mother answered.

"I do not embarrass the family. That is Aegons job." She mumbled the last sentence and dropped her head.

The parents sighed.

"Just do not be difficult, that is all we ask."

          ──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ────

The days had been long and the nights cold. Cregan had been on the ship for two weeks already and had just gotten over his sea sickness. The boy was four and ten and wasn't the happiest of people to be travelling to kingslanding.

"Why must i to go to this feast? You are capable of eating dinner with lords and ladys on your own." The young boy winged to his mother.

"Yes, i am capable but you are not, and must learn." Gilliane responded.

The boy fell silent he didn't want to go but he knew he had to show his mother and the people of the north that he is fit to be a lord. With his uncle acting as regent he knew people would begin to favour him, so in desperate attempts to show people his worth, the young Lord forced himself to grow up too soon.

         ──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ────

"House Lannister will be attending so will house Arryn and Royce. Oh and lord Florent will be there with his two sons." Daenas maid listed.

"Lord Florent sons are both nearer to age to my mother than i." Daena grumbled to her maid.

"House Stark will be there." Bella said swiftly. "Lord Stark is only a year old than you and i."

Bella was a Dornish girl, she was a gift to the Princess and all their lives they have known no other friends as dear to them as each other.

"Lord Stark is an elderly man?" Deana tilted her head.

"Lord Rickon Stark is deceased but left supposedly quite a hansom son."

"Well i have had enough of hearing about eligible husbands, i will be off to bed." Daena stated.

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