Chapter 2 - Dungeon

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As the darkness faded, I could feel my fingers start to twitch, my fingers, I could feel my fingers again, I had fingers again, my hands started moving, slowly bringing them up to my face, I could see.

If you're done admiring my bosses work, would you like to start.

A blue screen with white writing appeared in front of me. Oh, yeah. Not a dream, I died, most likely and I've become a gamer. I was also given a gift from [?] in before I woke up.

You can open that late be patient.

Welcome Gamer

To the [Tutorial].

Would you like to begin.


"Do we have to this whole thing, isn't there a skip the tutorial button or something"

Would you like to start.


"I'm gonna take that as a no then, fine". Reaching up to the screen and clicking yes, I voice again. "Can I activate some kind of mental command or am I gonna look like a crazy person touching an invisible screen every time I want to interact with [The System] .

[Metal Commands] Activated

Now I hope you're happy, so why don't you take a look at the

All around me was what OI could only describe as a ruined city, barren waste with the occasional destroyed building, a burning red sky and a blacked out sun. A scene that was only a possibility in theory, a world that wouldn't be able to support life or at least it wouldn't be able to support the human population anymore, but it seems someone didn't get the memo.

Welcome to the [Zombie Dungeon LVL 1]

After the [Zombies] took over the backyard, they moved onto the rest of the world and in the end the barren wasteland before you is all that's left.

Drops – [10-100] XP, [10-100] Credits, Zombie Flesh[Crafting Material], Random loot

As the person(?) got closer to me, I finally saw what it actually was. The thing that crept toward me was revealed as it moved into the light; it was a grotesque imitation of life. Its grey and mottled skin clung to its bony frame. Torn clothes dangled from its skinny legs, barely veiling the jagged bones underneath. The zombie's eyes were empty sockets, devoid of any spark of humanity. Its jaw hung slack, revealing jagged teeth stained with old blood. A single milky eye stared at me, unblinking, as if assessing my worth. Its movements were sluggish, yet purposeful—a relentless hunger driving it forward. Even as it stepped closer to me, I just stood there, what I was supposed to do, I thought this was supposed to be a tutorial, any explanations. As it reached 2 meters from me, it froze.

If you want me to hold your hand every time fine, you can say or think observe to observe it or I don't know why don't you take a look at [?s gift box].

[Inventory]. A large grid appeared in front of me, on the left side I could see what I presume is my body, I looked average. Brown eyes and hair, and well. That doesn't look average. I was wearing a plane white shirt, a pair of blue jeans and white sneakers, a bad idea in this kind of environment, but I guess there was some kind of dirt repellent in this game. Looking back to the grid only one box had any kind of item in in, that was the one holding [?s gift box]. I reach out to click on the box.

Would you like to open [?s gift box]?


Yes. Yes I would. The box starts glowing in the grid.

[?s gift box] contents

[Carnal Limiting Gear] skill book

[Mana Manipulation] skill book

[Magic Missile] skill book

Absorb skill books


Pressing Yes, blue particles materialized and rushed towards my body

Skills unlocked [Carnal Limiting Gear], [Mana Manipulation], [Magic Missile]

[Carnal Limiting Gear] LVL 1/100 (0/4000)

Description: When the [GOD of the Bible] created the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] pieces of the two dragons were taken by ? who tried to combine the powers of the two Heavenly Dragons to create the ultimate Dragon [Sacred Gear]. The pieces combined to create the [Carnal Limiting Gear]. With enough time the [Azure Dragon Emperor] can become The Carnal Dragon who shall surpass all limits.


[Seal] Divide your power in half, circumventing the inevitable power stall that happens when you stats get to high. Divides base stats by two for number of [Seals]

[Unseal] Multiply you're sealed Stats by two for number of seals.

No. Of Seals: 0

[Balance Breaker] [Locked] Lvl 50

[Juggernaut Drive] [Locked] Lvl 100 Undetermined

Perks: The Azure Dragon Emperor.

New Perk Unlocked – [The Azure Dragon Emperor]

[The Azure Dragon Emperor]

As the host of ? . You can call upon the power of the Carnal Limiting Gear. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Grants 50% XP Boost to [Draconic] skills

[Mana Manipulation] LVL 1/100 (0/4000)

The lifeblood of all Magical abilities and races. Allows user to manipulate Mana freely .

Passive Boosts

INT 1%

WIS 1%

Mana Pool 1%

Mana cost 1%

Mana Damage 1%

[Magic Missile] LVL 1/100 (0/4000)

While a basic spell for most gamers, most human mages still have to do complicated math to cast this spell, luckily you don't need that. Shoot a missile of mana from your finger tips to deal an amount of damage to your target

Damage - 25

Cost - 10

As the screens faded, I felt a large amount of information enter my mind. The basics of the [The Carnal Limiting Gear], how to manipulate mana and how to use the [Magic Missile] spell. The first one was definitely game breaking, while useless to me at the moment since I would be crushed by most of the "Powers That Be" in any world I was sent to, but in the long run. Most gamers stats eventually reached points where they struggled for even the most meagre of gains, I would hopefully never have that problem, especially with how the [Carnal Limiting Gear] was supposed to work, this was gonna be fun.

Looking back at the still frozen zombie I started smiling. "[Observe]".

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