Chapter 4 - Get Good

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{Only AN I will have at the beginning of a chapter, this whole chapter is just him grinding, so if you don't like him spending over 7000 words in the dungeon, you can just scroll to the end where his status is and then skip this chapter, otherwise enjoy the read} – {Two chapter ahead avaiible on Pat reon } name - DoingThisForReasons

Fire, hot, uncontrollable, majestic, fireball was the favourite of a lot of people, something about having the ability to throw around a force of nature seemed to excite people..................... and I was no different. I had moved further away from the Zombies, it seemed two at a time was the max spawning rate and more wouldn't spawn until at least one of them was killed at the very least. I don't know if this would be patched or if the spawn rate would increase but for now I could enjoy my reprieve and my stat gain.

DEX: 8>9

It took how much running to get a stat point, I should not have been so hasty with that [Stat Crystal] even with the [Carnal Limiting Gear]. I still don't know if I could level it up just by activating it or if I would have to actually seal my stats. "[Carnal Limiting Gear]", light motes surrounded me and started congregating around my arms and legs. Gauntlets and Greaves made from a bright, deep blue Azure with green gems where the gem of the [Boosted Gear] was on both gauntlets. Let's take a look at the skill again.

[Carnal Limiting Gear] LVL 1/100 (175/4000)

Description: When the [GOD of the Bible] created the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] pieces of the two dragons were taken by [?] who tried to combine the powers of the two Heavenly Dragons to create the ultimate Dragon [Sacred Gear]. The pieces combined to create the [Carnal Limiting Gear]. With enough time the [Azure Dragon Emperor] can become The Carnal Dragon who shall surpass all limits.


[Seal] Divide your power in half, circumventing the inevitable power stall that happens when you stats get to high. Divides base stats by two for number of [Seals]

[Unseal] Multiply you're sealed Stats by two for number of seals.

No. Of Seals:

[Balance Breaker] [Locked] Lvl 50

[Juggernaut Drive] [Locked] Lvl 100 Undetermined

Perk's: The Azure Dragon Emperor.

Just having the skill active was enough to give it a bit of experience, now fire; in most gamer fics all they had to do was use their imagination. Hopefully I had something similar. Holding out my right hand started channelling small amounts of mana into my hand "[Mana Manipulation]", I did not mean to say that - but I can only assume that [Mana Manipulation] as well as its level will be important in creating skills – heat, how do I do that, fire, its fuelled by oxygen, in order for the fuel to start burning I need to make it combust, heat, focusing on heating my mana was something I didn't think was possible, but as I started feeling a small amount of heat generating on my hand I couldn't help but smile.

MP: 470 > 400

INT: 13 > 14

WIS: 8 > 10

MP: 400 > 436

That made sense, now fuel. I would of course be using the oxygen in the air, but what about the spark, before the fire could actually start reacting with the oxygen I needed to heat it to combustion level, so my mana would take place as the fuel, since I could heat it without oxygen, channelling more mana into the magic in my hand, I felt it heat up more, until. The magic that was previously invisible on my hand started producing small sparks.

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