Chapter 3 - There's a Zobie on your lawn

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Name: None

Class: N/A

Race: Human (Zombie)

Level: 1

Title: N/A


Base total

HP: 250 (250)

MP: 0 (0)

SP: ? 0

STR: 10 (10)

VIT: 10 (10)

DEX: 10 (10)

INT: 0 (0)

WIS: 0 (0)

LUK: ? 0

CHA: 2 (2)

Drops - [10-100] XP, [10-100] Credits, Zombie Flesh [Crafting Material]

The things health, STR, VIT and DEX was higher than me but I'm hoping my magic will help me out here. With 200 mana and [Magic Missile] costing only 10 to cast, I could throw 20 of them before running out of mana and that was without taking my regen into account, At 16 (not sure if per minute or per second, but I'm gonna make a small assumption that its per minute, before I somehow get myself killed), I'd be able to shoot another [Magic Missile] after a minute and 15 seconds.

Are you done, I hope you are, because I you're ready or not, I'm unpausing the zombie. GO.

The zombie started moving forward again, its slow and awkward gait meaning even as it was moving closer I could outrun it if I tried hard enough, stat point could be deceiving apparently. Taking a moment to run through some calculations I prepared to fire my first spell [Magic Missile]. My hand seemed to rise on its own, forming a finger gun with my index finger pointing at the zombie. What looked like small bullets made out of magic shot out of my finger and rocketed at the zombie, hitting it directly in the chest!

MP: 202 > 192

Zombie HP: 250 > 225

The zombie seemed to stagger a bit as the missile impacted it. This would be easier than I thought. [Magic Missile], casting another magic missile in order to see if the zombie would be staggered again.

MP: 193 > 183

Zombie HP: 225 > 200

My mana seemed to have recharged a bit, though the zombies health didn't tic up at all, so my mana regen was per minute but it climbed a bit per second still. The zombie most likely had to wait the full minute before it's health would regen, so I just had to cast enough [magic Missile]'s fast enough to kill it before then, though considering I dealt more damage than it could regen per minute, even if it did hit the minute mark, I would be able to drain its health faster than it could regen it. The zombie was a little closer than it was before, but at the slow pace it was moving, it was still a while away from reaching e, so I just took a few steps back to get away from the zombie. That worked. Casting 5 [Magic Missile]'s I watched its health trickle down alongside my mana.

MP: 188 > 138

Zombie HP: 200 > 75

Once again my mana had gone up a bit in the timed it took between my 2 castings, though the exact number would be a pain to calculate, at the very least I knew there should be a .2 something increase per second meaning 5 seconds to regain 1, so either my maths was off or the tutorial granted me an increase in mana regen, it would also explain the surprisingly slow movement of the zombie. Just three more cast in order to kill the zombie. When calculating the number of times I could cast [Magic Missile] I wasn't considering how many I needed to cast to actually kill it. Looking at the zombie's health alongside my mana, and b0th seemed to have ticked up by a bit

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