the scientist- coldplay.

Regulus sank his hands in the black lake, it was around midnight now. He thought he could not be another disappointment like his arrogant brother, his foolish brother who risked his life for what he thought was right. Though Regulus was too scared and he loved his parents (at least he thought he did.)

He had just entered 4th year and Sirius was in 5th.

Regulus bent down and ran his hands through the water soon bring them up to wash his face with it, layering over his past tears. He thought about the cave, the death eaters and how easily he could drown himself, but he wanted to make something of himself, he wanted to be known and not for stupidity but for being the greatest.

He stood up dusting the mud of his trousers, his face dripping with water. He walked up the hill to the castle and watched the stars, he knew what he should about starts considering his name is a constellation. Once he entered the castle he crept through the halls and climbed through the stairs to get to the library, he picked up a book he knew he shouldn't have.

Tales of the sun and the stars the book was called, he quite liked summer but didn't at the same time, he liked it for its beauty and the shine of the sun and didn't like it because he had to go "home."

He sat at one of the private desks and read along, he didn't like sleeping that much he felt like he could be practicing or doing anything to make himself better. He flicked through the pages and the numbers went from 35. To 67. In a matter of minutes, he would do anything to keep himself awake even if that meant drinking large amounts of caffeine.

He scanned through page 80. efficiently and saw one line that caught his attention. ''twas destined through thy story of existence." He did not read the full paragraph so he didn't have a clue where that came from and what it was speaking about.

He placed thy book in his bag and arose from his seat, gentley tucking the chair in and leaving. He walked through the hall trying not to get caught but hears heavy breathing behind him, he doesn't want to turn around to see who it is so he walks with a little more speed.

He keeps his head down and suddenly the breathing stops and a voice takes over the intimidating silence "Reggie." Regulus could recognise that nickname from a mile away.
He turns his head to see the one person who never left him alone no matter what. James potter.

"What do you want potter?"  Regulus said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, his voice hesitant  and quiet.
"What were you doing." James questioned.
"What is it to you, piss off." Regulus spat before walking away down to the Dungeons, James didn't follow him or anything he just left him wander off in peace. Well to be fair he wasn't that peaceful.

Regulus layer his bag down by the couch and sat down, he quickly crept into his room to get his special coffee. He picked his book up and kept reading, it was a weekend anyways and everyone was out partying.

Except when he was reading, he wasn't actually reading. He was just thinking about something, or someone. He wished he could just just meet his brother again, he sees him everyday but it'd never the same. He wants to meet the same boy that would never raise a hand to him, who would never raise his voice at him and instead comfort him and hold him tight in his arms.

No one said it was easy to loose someone, but it's hard because they left, they left and never came back. It hurts when you know they probably don't think of you, at all. That's lies, Regulus knows Sirius thinks of him, but ignores it because if Sirius isn't thinking or Regulus in a good way then Regulus doesn't want to know.

Regulus knew that the second Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor, there was nothing he could do.

Regulus didn't want to waste his life missing someone who left him to easily, he wanted the rest of his long life to be someone who's known, for his greatness,power and intelligence. Regulus fists balled up and he wasn't even upset anymore, he was angry. Angry how someone could betray him so easily? How someone could embarrass him like that? Everyone thought it was the black brothers against the world but I guess not?

Regulus stood up and walked to his room, he shared with his two best friends Bartemius (Barty) and Evan Rosier, he also shared with Nott, but they weren't close.

Nott was just leaving when Regulus entered, Barty and Evan were at a party (Ravenclaw or something.)
Regulus stomped over to his bed, throwing his bag down and grabbing the hidden suitcase he had under his bed, a pack of fags and a flask that stored expensive strong liquor.

He needed to forget about everything and stop thinking, yes this was bad for him and yes he knew that.
He walked and walked till he could think of the quietest place, the astronomy tower. His number one spot, he quickly climbed up the stairs and went to the railing. Searching through his pockets to find a lighter, he pulled a fag out the box and lit it.

He covered it with his hands, hiding it from the wind. He placed it on his cold chapped lips, inhaling and breathing in the smoke. He held it in his fingers and reached to grab the flask, he gently unscrewed it and just when it was about to open;"Regulus." Remus said.
"Remus?" Regulus groaned.
"Pass a fag." Remus said in his strong Welsh accent.
Regulus reached into his pocket grabbed one and lit it then passed it to Remus. "There you go." Regulus said.
They sat there in silence smoking and passing back the flask, "Do you know why I'm here?" Remus asked.
"For a smoke?" Regulus answered.
"Yes, but why?" Remus said.
"I dunno." Regulus said after making the smoke come out his nose.
"Cause of your brother, he's a dick." Remus muttered.
"You think I don't know that?" Regulus laughed.
"He's sitting here snogging random girls 'n ditching me for em." Remus said.
"Oft, well Remus I'll be completely honest. I can tell you like him" Regulus said as he gave Remus a knowing look.
"I don't, well I don't think I do atleast." Remus mumbled but clearly enough for regulus.

They talked for a little longer before Regulus started downing what was left in the flask.
They separated and went their own ways, Regulus just took in what happened. He was talking to his brother's bestfriend.

Regulus stumbled around the halls, his blood boiling.

If there's any mistakes correct me. 🤍

Words: 1173🌘

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