Chapter Three

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After two whole period had been borrowed in the process of pairing the students up, a verbal controversy took up another period. Class A-1 weren't allowed to be associated with each other thus resulting in the disagreement of different classes pairing. Mr Jang, and his versatile conform, managed to abate the matter before it took their lunch period too. They were pissed and Class B was the center of their problems. It was suffocating for everyone but they didn't complain. They were used to this kind of pressure and had learned to live with it. Well some of them.

Jojo, however, had her own problems to deal with. And that was her own partner himself. Suho was a nice person of good character and judgement, or so she heard, but she wanted nothing to do with him. His entire presence brought about unwanted attention, and the mere feel of that chilled her to the bones. She couldn't handle being watched all the time, and she didn't want to try to overcome that fear either. Jojo just wanted a peaceful senior year, and beautiful graduation without any unpleasant memories that would keep on as a momentum in highschool.

Well, that was a dream that was a far reach now.

Her anxiety put her to sleep after a while that she had sat down, and missed the entire session. She didn't know for how long she had slept for, until someone shook her to reality. Opening her eyes with a disturbed groan, she moved her body up into a straight sitting position and stretched. She felt a bit better, the nap helping in both the mentally shockingly drama of that morning.

"Are you awake yet?" Juyeong asked in a soft tone still shaking her shoulder.

Jojo moaned, blinking up at her two best friends. The class was almost empty except the few that sat together talking, the teachers desk missing their homeroon teacher. "Huh... Where is everyone?"

"You dozed off till lunch time Jojo, missed three whole period of pure drama. Everyone has kind of been dismissed to lunch." Ra-im informed smoothing the tiny wrinkles that appeared on her tucked in shirt.

Jojo's eyes widened." I did? Oh no, I missed two whole periods?" She jumped up from her seat, obviously in panic. Sleeping during class hours was strictly prohibited and those caught would both get detention and five demerits." Why didn't you wake me up!"

"Relax you're safe. There was a..... a uh slight disagreement that apparently took both periods to abate." Juyeong itched her nape anxiously. Jojo eyed her carefully, watching as Ra-im shot her an incredulous look.

" Okay, what am I missing here." Jojo grimaced.

"Come on we'll tell as we walk to lunch." Juyeong gestured her head towards the door.

Jojo nodded and got up from her seat." Alright hold on, let me grab my Mom's packed breakfast." She said moving to the back of the class to where the lockers were, and opened up hers to grab her breakfast to-go. The commotion and the shuffling prevented her from eating it in the morning. It probably would have gotten cold but she hated to waste food as long as it wasn't rotten." Who did you guys get partnered with? Hope it's someone better?"

" I wish." Juyeong snorted as they made their way out of the class. The halls at all sides were almost scarce of students and surprisingly not too rowdy like Class B hallways are.

"Unfortunately for all of us, we happen to have the same fate as you too." Ra-im hummed dragging her feet through the ground. " No Class A-1 were allowed to be partnered up with each other which resulted in another pairing shuffle. "

" Are you serious? "Jojo blinked in shock." Director Park really wants to abolish this feud Crimsons and Platinums have going on with Bronzes."

" I'm telling you "Ra-im let out a low chuckle. It was almost hilarious, who knew that their senior year would be the worst they would ever want.

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