Chapter one

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First person pov:
It was a semi-normal day at Aldera junior high for me, I had my legs crossed while I filed my nails, The teacher was chatting it up with the students, asking them what school they wanted to go to, most of them said UA and I couldn't blame them; UA was the best in Japan but they didn't stand a chance in getting in, I just chuckled to myself as I look up from my nails blowing them lightly.

"Hey teach! Don't let me in with these bunch of losers; I'm the real deal, but these guys will be lucky to end up a sidekick to some busted D-lister." Katsuki said with a cocky smile on his face, I rolled my eyes as I looked over to him with a smirk , 'here he goes' I said in my head before turning to look at izuku who's just sitting in the back looking left out , he looks at me and I give him and small smile and wave and he gives me a wave back with a small blush on his face.

I turn to the back to see Katsuki on top of his desk talking about how amazing he was , everyone was looking at him like he was crazy and I reached over with an embarrassed look on face, tugging on his pants.

"Katsuki bakugou, get your dumbass off this fucking table"
I whisper yelled at him as he clicks his teeth "Shut the fuck up" he said back, about to get down but the teacher interrupted saying

"Oh midoriya, don't you want to go to UA too?"
I slightly cringe and slowly looks at Katsuki and back at midoriya who's head was in on the desk embarrassedly, soon enough the whole class was laughing and I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him considering that he's my friend, I turned around to the person who was behind me and punched them on the shoulder for laughing and they quickly stopped laughing, all of a sudden Katsuki slames his hand on izukus desk, sending him flying back, before he can hit his head on the wall I slow him down with my quirk.

"Listen up Deku; you're even worse then these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe. You really think they would let someone like you in when they could have someone like me?" Katsuki said as I ran up and tried to pull him away but he quick snatched his arm away from me "come on kat, chill out." I calmly said shifting my eyes to izuku whose eyes were already tearing up, Katsuki just looked at me and rolled his eyes .

"Kacchan y-you've got it all wrong! Really I'm not trying to compete against you; you've gotta believe me" he said while backing up and soon hitting his back on the wall "I don't have a quirk but I can still try my hardest can't I?" He continues avoiding eye contact with Katsuki.

"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best, you'd die in the exams " Katsuki said while his hands smoking "defenseless izuku, this schools already crappy, you really want to embarrass it somemore by failing" he continues while izuku was on the verge of tears you stepped in "Katsuki! That's enough." You said pulling him by the arm away from all of the mess and making eye contact with someone other people while you did so, "kat leave him alone, he literally doesn't do anything" you say as you sit back down at your desk looking back at izuku still on floor looking down.

~Time skip (after class)~
I was about to leave the classroom along with everyone else until I seen Katsuki go by izukus desk, I sigh and wait by the door to see what happens, I don't hear the conversation but I see izuku about to put his book in his bookbag and Katsuki snatches it out of his hand and all of a sudden bakugou two lapdogs pop out the cut, I roll my eyes as I hated those two boys and walk into the class to make sure nobody was gonna get harmed ; they go through his notebook and one says "don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero" one laughs, "thats so pathetic" the other one says

I look over to him and laughed "like you could be a better one" i say as I walk over to him and bump him on purpose just to get over to Katsuki and izuku "yo Katsuki get your girlfriend in check" one of his goons said as I rolled my eyes "she not my girlfriend loser!" he yelled back with a blush on his face waving izukus book while doing so "real funny guys now please give it back" izuku says as he gets up from his seat, and right before he was about to snatch it back Katsuki burned it and threw it out the window.

"KATSUKI, WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled at him as I ran to the window to see where it fell and ran to get it "Y/N! Where are you going" I heard Katsuki yell.

Third person pov:
As Y/N went to get the notebook from in the small pond with fish nibbled on it, she felt so bad for him as she flipped through the book and found herself in it, she read the page and smiled at how he wrote about her in great detail, he even drew a picture of her in a hero costume and when she got in UA that was going to be her hero costume she looked up at the window that the book feel out of and sighed 'how could Katsuki treat someone so sweet this way" she said rubbing the edges of the book all of a sudden she seems izuku come looking for his book,

she hands it to him " here you go, I'm sorry that he treats you like this" she said as she gave him a hug, he hugged her back giving her a soft thank you she pulled away and scanned his body and saw that he had a burn on his shoulder, he noticed her looking and trying to cover it up "it's nothing y/n, I promise" he said quickly, she looked at him "did kacchan do this to you" she asked softly eyeing the burn mark "yes but it was an accident" he said back looking away, she looked away too seeing bakugou in her vision and quickly walking up to him "KATSUKI!" She yelled causeing the three boys to turn to her, "what do you want" he said as she stopped in front of him and sent a hand flying to his face and walked off not even bothering to look back as the two boys laughed at him , she couldn't help but tear up

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