1|| Welcome Home

11 0 3

Astrea sails on a vast ocean in the early morning. Taking in the cloud covered sky and the fog covered ocean it signals to her that she is close to home. As the journey continues the fog breaks as do the clouds revealing stones and the island she once called home. Burk. Docking the ship she notices people running with weapons. She pulls her sword from her side and creeps around every corner watching the moves of everyone around her. Suddenly a roar is heard in the sky.


Astera seaths her swords and grabs her bow from behind her. She creeps to the middle of the village shooting each dragon she sees. Aiming for the sky and walking backwards she runs into someone.

"Sorry" she apologizes not even looking behind her.

"Astrea?" a voice asks. A voice she hasn't heard in 10 years. Astrea turns around to see her one and only sister. The village gem. Astrid. The two sisters stare at each other not knowing what to say until a voice breaks them apart from their staring.

"Astrid! Let's go! We have more houses to put out!" A voice calls. Astrea looks behind Astrid to see Snotlout looking at her running towards a burning house.

"You uh, might want to take care of that with your buddies." Astrea says walking away. Astrid stands there watching her sister walk away.

"Astrid! Let's go!" Snotlout calls again. Astrid breaks her trance and grabs her bucket.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming" Astrid says taking one last look at her sister before running to put a fire out. Astera continues her way watching everything around her, making sure she doesn't run into her least favorite kind of dragon. A Night Fury. They say it's one of the hardest dragons to capture or kill. It's every Vikings dream to kill a Night Fury. She wants to be the first one to do it. To regain her spot back into her village. To become a Viking. She will do whatever it takes. Astrea approaches the Village Center when a scream catches her attention.

"Night Fury!" Someone shouts. Astrea turns her attention to a purple blur coming at her. She dives out of the way and hits someone in the process. Not even bothering to apologize she goes towards the direction of where she was almost killed.

Hiccup quickly recovers from being knocked over and watches the person who hit him doesn't even apologize or acknowledge his existence. Hiccup notices the hair on the person. Only one person in Burk has that kind of hair but she hasn't been here for 10 years.

"Astrea?" he mumbles. Watching her figure walking away he quickly remembers what he was going to do and continues his journey to the edge of the island to capture a Night Fury.

Astrea watches each purple shot with caution and follows it. Suddenly the shots stop and a dragon screech is heard.

It's down

Someone beat Astrea to it. She grunts in frustration. Hearing someone scream from nearby, Astrea looks towards the direction of the scream and watches a boy running from a dragon. Putting her bow back, she unseaths her sword and runs after the boy taking a short cut. Watching fire get thrown at him she takes another shortcut, cutting between houses, and hiding behind a wall until she hears the approach. Hearing the running footsteps, Astrea comes out from behind the wall and slashes her sword at the dragon's wing. Missing, the dragons attention turns to her. Swinging the sword in her hand she waits for it to make the first move. Suddenly a figure comes out of nowhere and kicks the dragons face. Astrea stands there watching the whole ordeal seeing that the figure is Stoick, the chief of the village. Astrea watches as he takes the dragon on in hand-to-wing combat. She watches as the dragon flys away defeated by Stoick. Before he can notice Astrea's return, she runs to the village once again watching all the dragons retreat and the sun rising. She returns to her home and waks inside. With the sound of the door opening, Astrea's mom turn around to see her standing in the doorway.

"Astrea?" her mom asks. Astrea stands there looking at her mom, Ava. Ava approaches her kid and takes in all the new things. Her hair has grown longer, down to her mid back, her figure as become one of a young teenager, her skin embracing the olive color coming from her father, and her beautiful face reminding Ava of herself. Ava takes her daughter's face into her hands and quickly gives her a warm embrace. Astrea hugs her mom back giving into the warm feeling of her mother's embrace. Ava pulls away first to look at her daughter again.

"You're so beautiful. You've grown so much." Ava says with a small smile on her face.

"I mean, I have been gone for 10 years. I was only a child when you last saw me." Astrea says look at her mom with hurt in her eyes. Ava sighs looking at her daughter.

"You're room is the same. We got you a bigger bed hoping you would be home." Ava says moving out of the way. Astrea nods her head and makes her way upstairs.

"Astrea?" Ava calls to her kid. Astrea hums in response and turns around.

"Welcome home." Ava says with a smile

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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