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Kyla White 2 weeks later __________________________________

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Kyla White
2 weeks later

It was 2 weeks later and I was back in ATL. My parents left and I'm back to being by myself.

Trevon was still on tour of course so I haven't really seen much of him.

We would text and sometimes be on FaceTime before he gets busy and have to go.

The manufacturer he found ended up finishing earlier than expected and shipped out my packages yesterday so now I was getting my website back up to date and letting everyone know I was now back in stock.

The process with Nadia was still pending. She called me crying the other night asking if I could let this go. I guess the letter stating that she needs to be in court got to her.

I literally laughed and hanged up the phone because she should've thought about that before fucking with my business.

Anyways I was at home packaging orders so I can get them out as soon as possible, I felt like I owe that to my customers.

It felt so good to finally be back at work. I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worse enemy. I thank God everyday for answering my prayers and for answering them so quickly cause I didn't know what I would've done if I actually had to wait 4 months to start working again.

But now that everything is almost back to normal, I wanted to plan something for Trevon as a thank you gift but I didn't know what, the man literally has everything he wants.

"Hello ?" I said as I picked up the FaceTime call

"Heyyy boo, how's everything ?" Jordan asked

"Everything going good, I'm packing orders right now"

"Okay period. I'm glad everything going good, I'm still mad you sent the money back after I told you I wanted to help" Jordan said rolling her eyes

"Cause I didn't want you send me any money, especially when you got alot going on yourself"

After I told Jordan what happened she was trying to catch a fight down here the next day to help me figure everything out but I wouldn't let her.

Jordan mom was in the hospital due to her having stage 2 cancer and because her mom didn't have insurance Jordan has to pay for her hospital bills. I send money to help her out every chance I get but Jordan is another me she hated when people tried to give her money.

"Don't do that Kyla. You was willing to help me when I didn't ask you too so I just wanted to return the favor" Jordan said causing me to nod

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