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Trevon Gardner AKA Skilla Baby

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Trevon Gardner AKA Skilla Baby

3 days later


We were currently on the private jet heading to New York and Kyla wasn't talking to me right now.

She called herself having an attitude because I woke her up early and didn't take her to get anything to eat.

She wasn't even sitting next to me she sat next to Zach.

It's been a good 20 minutes since we've taken off and she's just been in her phone.

I stood up and walked over to her "you still not talking to me mama ?" I asked wrapping my arms around her from behind

"You hear something Carlos ?" She asked looking over to him

"Nahh gang" he said laughing

I scrunched my face "nigga who side you on ?"

"No one" he said

"Damn you snitching yo your mom on me ?" I asked reading her messages

She smacked her lips and turned the other way.

"What you even do to her ?" Zach asked

"She mad because I ain't wanna stop for her to get food"

She rolled her eyes "first of all you woke me up at 4 this morning and you wasn't even ready yet, but had me waiting on you to get dressed then when we on the way here your saying we can't stop cause we're late" she said

"Yo shit gone get stuck" I said referring to her eyes

"You wrong for that gang" Sean said

"Shut up nigga"

I stood up and pulled her out her seat before sitting down and pulled her onto my lap.

"You really mad at me ?" I asked as she leaned back

I placed my face in her neck and pecked it a couple times.

"Will you buy me food when we land ?" She asked looking at me

"Yea mama, I'll buy you something to eat" I said playing with the rings on her finger

"Can I have a kiss ?" She asked lowly

I grabbed her chin and pecked her lips.

"Yooo can y'all get a room ?" Key smacked his lips

"Y'all official?" Sean asked

"Mind your business" I said

"We are" she said

"He asked me to marry him and everything, our wedding in two months" she added with a shrug 

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