CHAPTER 02 - Adventures

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"But, Dad, please!"

King Shiraishi Ken gave his daughter a stern look, brows furrowed, and mouth ticked downward. "An, I would rather bring you to all of the kingdoms instead of just this one."

An put her hands on her hips, an angry frown crossing her face. "But why? How bad can the Ukiyo Kingdom be?" She exclaimed. "Just let me come with you on this trip!"

"An!" His voice boomed, making An flinch, "we're on extremely fragile terms with the Ukiyo Kingdom. It's risky enough that I'm already going there on diplomatic terms."

An treated her next argument with a tone as if she were being cautious to not step on glass shards, "Father, I really want to learn about other nations and their people, and there can be no better way than to do it in person!" She stammered, "I can even bring Akito and Arata to be safe!"

Her father all but glared at her, and moments ticked by like hours as she waited for his response. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared herself; her father had never been this furious with her before.

Finally, he spoke. "I would do anything but put my little, sweet daughter in danger," he sighed and pinched his nose, "but... I'll allow it—" he saw her glowing expression— "only if you disguise yourself and bring Akito. Disguise him too. And you are not to wander on your one for a nanosecond while we're there. Understood?"

"Yes!" An hugged her father tightly, "you're the best father ever! Thank you!"

He reluctantly hugged her, still slightly irritated he would be bringing her with him to Ukiyo of all places. "We will arrive in the Ukiyo Kingdom three days from now."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Please be safe. This diplomatic trip will be lasting a whole three months, so we shouldn't do anything rash."

"Yes, father!" An responded, still smiling.


"But, father, please!" Toya practically begged below the daunting throne of his father, who had a frown forever etched into his face. His stern expression never moved, as if he were a statue granted life. "I've thought for years about this excursion and have come to conclude that the outcome would only be beneficial. I've written many essays, if you would like to read them."

Harumichi glared. "Toya, you have failed to consider the immense danger of leaving this castle, as the prince, nonetheless. Heaven forbid someone recognize you, and you'll endanger yourself and even the family."

Toya's voice raised slightly, his desperation bleeding through to his words. "I've already decided that if you would be so generous as to let me leave that I would wear something a prince never would, and that I would accompany myself with two knights."

"Oh?"  Harumichi raised a brow judgmentally, "And who might be these two knights?"

"Knight Souma and General Tsukasa, father."

"I must applaud you for rationally thinking through the choices of your knights. And how long do you wish to be outside of the castle?"

Toya's eyes glimmered with a sliver of hope. "Twelve hours, father."

Harumichi sighed. "I feared you would ask to be outside for a week, your behavior being so desperate. Fine," he declared indifferently, "I will ask the maids and designers to create an...inexpensive outfit," his nose scrunched thinking of the hypothetical outfit, "An order to General Tenma and Knight Miyata will be carried out immediately. You will leave three days from now."

Toya grinned. "Thank you, father! Thank you!"

His gratitude was ignored. "You are not to make any rash or reckless decisions or to reveal your identity. And, after your excursion, you will be expected to practice the piano and your studies tenfold. Is this understood, Toya?"

"Absolutely, father."

"Very well. Preparations will be made. You may rest, Toya. It is late."

Toya bowed and exited the hall, a smile remaining on his face and unmovable. Knight Saki passed him in the hall and grinned. "Toya! Er- Prince Toya! How are you? You look very happy! What happened?"

"Ah, well, I just had a successful conversation with my father. He agreed to let me leave the palace for twelve hours three days from now."

Saki gasped loudly. "Really?" She exclaimed, "That's amazing, Toya!" her eyes shimmered and her face glowed. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you, Saki. I really appreciate that you share my joy," he smiled gently. "And please don't bother calling me 'prince.' Just 'Toya' will be fine."

They exchanged a few more cheerful words, and Toya returned to his extravagant bedroom. He bathed and changed into a rather expensive kosode.  Never had three days seemed excruciatingly far away. The chandelier that had been lit earlier in his room blew out, and he opened his window to remove the smoke from his room. He lit the candle on his desk and began writing with a feathered pen.

June 27th, 1610. Tuesday.

Today was a rare experience, indeed. Never before have I succeeded with a request as daring as this with father. I will be venturing out of the castle for the first time, accompanied by the best knights, of course. The only glimpse of the outside world I've gotten is watching my knights train or staring at the gardens for hours, and while I appreciate the beauty of the flowers, one can imagine the repetitiveness of viewing the same flowers every day. I'm set to leave on Friday. In raw truth, it's nearly suspicious how easy it was to receive my father's approval for this journey. However, I remain most grateful.

The third son of the Aoyagi family, Aoyagi Toya.

Satisfied with the diary entry he had written, Toya blew out the candle and returned to his bed, where he lay too restless to sleep. Summer air blew in from the open window, filling the room with an odd warmth. He pulled the blankets up, dragging the comforter closer to his face in an attempt to comfort himself enough to sleep. The sun had just slipped below the horizon, marking the true end of the third prince's day. Luckily, there was no threatening storm overhead, meaning no rain would fight its way into Toya's bedroom.


An watched as the sun set, the sight making her sleepy in the horse-drawn carriage. She laid her head against her father's shoulder, her blinking gradually becoming slower. Ken slightly chuckled. "We'll stay the night in the upcoming village," he told a lightly snoring An, "We'll be in the Ukiyo Kingdom Friday morning, fate permit a smooth journey."

"We're almost there, King Shiraishi," said the coachman. Ken nodded in response.

He sighed. I can only hope nothing horrible goes wrong on this three-month diplomacy trip. Ukiyo's so stingy about travelers that they make outsiders who are visiting stay for at least three months. That king's so paranoid...

Toya's Note:

Toya's Note:

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