locked in

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Rafe grabbed Mar's waist throwing her away, Ward doing the same to Sarah. Mar and Sarah ran over to where Peterkin was both the girls sobbed.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." They cried over the women.

"Sarah, Marley. I need you to get up." Ward said rushing over to where the two girls were.

"No! She's dying!" Sarah cried as Mar applied pressure to the wound.

"What is wrong with you?" Sarah cried as the three men spoke.

"I'm not going anywhere tell the medics get here!" Sarah yelled, Marley didn't fight with them only stared down at the women dying in her arms.

She cried for Peterkin, she cried for her mom, she cried because she didn't know what was gonna happen to her or John b or JJ, she cried because of another thing Rafe did.

Rafe picked Mar up once again, she screamed and fought and cried as she watched Ward do the same thing to Sarah.

"No! No! No! No!" Mar screamed and cried as she got thrown into the back seat by Rafe. He drove down the road trying to convince himself he didn't do anything wrong.

Mar just cried she didn't speak when they almost hit a car, she didn't even make a noise, at this point she was done with everything.


Sarah helped Mar get out of the car. The girls held hands as they walked to where Rose and Gemma were. "Why aren't you guys on the plane?" Rose asked see the two girls covered in blood.

"Where's Rory?" Gemma asked.

"Ask Rafe" Sarah said before pulling the blonde girl inside the house with her. They ran upstairs and into Sarah's room.

"Sarah, we gotta leave. FInd JJ and John b and Rory." Mar said pacing with her hands in her hair.

"Mar, you need to go. I can't I can't leave. I'm stuck, you can run though. Find them. Find you boyfriend and sister."


Mar knocked on the window of the car, seeing the Pouges inside. She smiled saddly at JJ who perked up first. She had a bloody hand print on her face from Peterkin. JJ opened the door and hugged the girl tightly.

"Mar, where have you been. What happend?" He asked staring down at her trying to rub the hand print off her face.

"Rafe took me and Sarah back to the Cameron's. John b they blamed it on you. Rafe's gone crazy. My mom she's-" Mar started to cry in his arms not knowing what's gonna happen. She started to calm down when they got into the car, she sat on JJ's lap for a while before Rory had climbed in to the trunk of the car and Mar sat in between John b and JJ.

"Let's game this out, maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron and Micheal Murphy or Us? So the accuser is a bigshot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused...is John b. Who is pretty much a homeless 16-year-old boy at the moment." JJ said making Mar and Rory make eye contact having a little conversation of they're own.

"Thanks" John b muttered.

"Okay man, Yucatan, all right? I'm saying that's the only option. What other option do you have?"

"Enough with the Mexico bullshit. Sarah and the twins will bail me out." John b said.

"They did witness the whole thing." Kie said

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother? Mar on her ex boyfriend?" Mar sat up to look at Pope.

"Pope, what the fuck. Yes I would and so would Sarah you guys didn't see what happend in the car. But nobody is gonna believe the three of us. With our dad and Ward saying were liars. It's not gonna happen." Mar said leaning her head back againest the seat.

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