And Then There Were 20

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It has been 10 years since Y/N lost everything, his family, his home... It was really tough but he kept going to honour his parents wishes and he started living his life as well as practice spells as often as he could, he would usually sneak out in the middle of the night when no one was up and go out to a open field that rarely had visitors therefore it was the perfect place to practice.

In a short time Y/N learned to summon rock monsters from the ground so that they could aid him in a battle as well as the ability to levitate and pull small objects to his hand, he practiced on another book since if something went wrong he really didn't want his mothers book to be destroyed. Another spell that he had learnt was the sleeping spell "Somnus", there once was some rowdy kids next door to Y/N when he was 6 and he would sneak over and open the door a little so that they wouldn't see him and all the kids fell asleep on the floor as soon as the spell was casted.

At age 7 he would make up a fake name since in his belief, learning someone's true name means trust and Y/N didn't trust anyone, and his fake name was F/N, (Fake name) even attending a school with the fake name.

At age 11 Y/N finally got adopted into a young couple's family but they had a small house with no spare bedroom so he had to sleep on the couch, but one night Y/N heard arguing upstairs and soon he saw his adopted mother storm down stairs.

Y/N: What happened?

Step Mom: Don't even talk to me right now F/N!

She slammed the door as Y/N looked confused and went back to sleep. A few days later his step parents broke up and Y/N was left with his step father, they both moved into a new apartment somehow smaller then the house he lived in but at least he had is own room. Since then attended school like nothing happened, he was a smart kid as well as being quite handsome and logically that brought many girls to Y/N's apartment asking for a date but he would turn them down since he wasn't interested in dating.

Right now Y/N is 13 years of age and attends Madison Elementary School and he was close to going to high school and summer break was coming up.

(A/N: I know that Y/N is too old for Elementary school but for the sake of the story Elementary School and Middle School take place in the same building, also sorry if I got that wrong. I am not American and idk the school system over there.)

The school bell rings and Y/N's whole class started to pack up for summer vacation, as the students were leaving and ignoring the teacher as always but Y/N got up and packed his bag and headed out wishing the teacher a good vacation.

While walking back to his apartment he sees a kid being bullied by two trouble makers, TJ and Cash. These two were nothing but petty kids that have to mess with others because they weren't loved at home, Y/N kept on walking until he heard another voice.

 ?????????: Leave him alone.

It was Ben Tennyson, Y/N didn't know much about Ben but he had to admire him standing up to the bullies.

TJ: Get lost shrimp.

Ben: I said back off.

Cash: Looks like we got ourselves a hero, maybe we don't wanna back off.

Both of the bullies change their target from the short kid with the glasses to Ben.

TJ: What are you going to do about it, Tennyson.

They were just toying with him until Ben tried to attack... Only to find himself hung on a tree branch by his underwear along with the short kid from before.

 Only to find himself hung on a tree branch by his underwear along with the short kid from before

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