His Eyes On Me All Day

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Every time I finished seeing someone, I felt very tired.

Thanks to the large amount of magic I discreetly used every day to heal my patients, I had been feeling this way, but there was nothing like a few hours in the forest to restore my energy.

I smiled calmly as I felt the wind blow my hair out of my face.

— Look at him, he knows how to smile.

My face closed instantly.

— What are you doing here, Arthur? Shouldn't you be at training as usual?

Arthur looked at me with a silly grin on his face and laughed after I spoke.

— Can't I come to my kingdom's forest anymore?

— I just didn't think you'd come here too.

— I picked up the habit recently.

I looked at him surprised. — Ah, that's nice, I guess, the forest usually helps me restore my energy.

— Yes, the fresh air helps anyone. — He said, taking a deep breath and making me realize that he hadn't understood what I meant by ,good.

— Of course, fresh air. — I quickly looked away and crouched down to pick a flower. — Okay, I'll be right there.

— You came just to pick a flower?

— This flower is one of the ingredients for the medicinal ointments I sell.

— Are you a businessman as well as a doctor?

— Not really, it's just that my patients are often physically injured, so I decided to sell them some ointments.

— That's understandable.— Arthur said and bent down to pick up one of the flowers, looking at it. — It's beautiful. — He examined the flower for a while and lifted it to my ear, leaving me stunned.

And so he left, leaving me even more surprised by his actions.

Suddenly, without wanting to, I felt my face heat up and I just went back to picking the medicinal flowers.

What just happened here?

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— Merlin! Merlin!

I smiled happily when I saw my favorite knight, he was the youngest of the knights and looked like my younger brother.

— Mordred! What happened now? Don't tell me training was hard again?

— I didn't come because of the training. — He said fiddling with his hand nervously, he used to play with his fingers when he was nervous, his freckled cheeks, which had once been pale, were now tinged with a rosy hue, making me confused at how nervous he was. — I came to ask you out, a new tavern opened up and I was thinking of going...

I smiled broadly. — Are the others going too?

— Oh them...

— New tavern? Of course! - Gawain comes up behind Mordred, startling him and making Gawain laugh. — We're all going!

— But...

— I didn't know there was a new tavern. — Lancelot said, smiling calmly. — Sounds nice, I'll take it.

— Then let's go! — Percival said and the other knights shouted excitedly, making me laugh at their excitement, but I noticed Mordred's frown making a contrast between all those happy faces.

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