Where the Prince Decides to Cross the Border

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- That's the fourth time you've come here to ask me for more ointments, and it's not even afternoon yet.- I said, smiling and finding the situation amusing.

Mordred laughed a little nervously and looked away, glancing at his shoes and fiddling with his fingers nervously. — Sorry Merlin, it's just that they're always asking me to come here for more...

I smiled calmly at him and put my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me. - It's okay Mordred, I'm not angry with you, how could I be angry with my favorite knight? After all, you came here asking for more ointments and I have plenty here for all of you.

His blue eyes lit up and he smiled broadly. — I'm your favorite knight?

— Of course, you're too good for this world, Mordred. - I said smiling calmly and he continued to smile as I handed him two more tubes of ointments.

— Merlin, thank you so much, you're amazing, I don't know what I'd do without you here...- He said smiling silly, and I smiled back at him.

Mordred was a sweetheart, he's funny and a bit silly, but he was the kindest knight I know and I love having his friendship, it's like having a younger brother, even though we're the same age.

— You'd still be the great knight you are today.- I said, smiling broadly, and he looked a little disconcerted. — Now go and give these ointments to the others, and if you need any more, don't hesitate to come here again.

He smiled and hugged me tightly, it was like being hugged by a muscular bear, but I knew that bear wasn't going to crush me to death, this was Mordred after all.

He let go of me after a while and walked out of the door grinning from ear to ear, I started to pick up some medicinal herbs and put some light spells on them before starting to crush them to make a paste, I started to mix some ingredients together with some incantations and that's how I made another ointment. My work in that kingdom was very easy, I just spent the whole morning in my own house making ointments and healing people and in the afternoon I gathered ingredients from the forest so that in the evening I could organize everything in jars and then repeat the routine the next day.

Easy life, simple life, boring life... I needed a little excitement in my veins so I wouldn't die of boredom here, so I decided it was time to visit my mother.

But I didn't expect to be followed by a group of idiotic and noisy knights.

— I can hear you, you know.- I said as I stopped walking and turned around, laughing as I saw their attempt to hide behind some wagons. — You're terrible at hiding!

— You didn't have to hurt me, Merlin.- Gawain said dramatically, causing the other knights to grumble and tell him to be quiet. — What? Merlin isn't stupid enough to know that we're following him.

— And may I ask why I'm being followed by you?

— It's dangerous to go around unsupervised, Camelot is about to go to war with a neighboring kingdom and the court physician is too special to be killed like this. - I was surprised to hear Arthur's voice say that, he sounded a bit serious but then a silly smile grew on his lips. — And these idiots want to meet your mother.

— Don't blame us Merlin, you always speak well of her soups and we were a bit curious...- Percival began, making me laugh even more.

— I get it, all right then, come with me.

They all smiled and began to approach me, each having a side conversation. Arthur walked beside me, still looking a little serious and examining his surroundings.

I smiled as I saw this in him, it was in these few moments that I felt he was maturing.

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