chapter 21

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Narrators pov (aka 3rd person pov)

Annalei Fantilli and Luke Hughes became best friends instantly upon meeting each other in college. Luke knows everything about the girl, she tells him quite literally every single thing. Annalei knows everything about Luke as well, but he just has way less to tell, when he does have something big or interesting to tell his best friend it is nine times out of ten extremely important or something about a girl and he needs her advice. This time Luke is here Anna is extremely grateful because she needs his relationship advice very deeply right now or she would probably be trapping her self in her room and never leaving until she forgets about her feelings for Rutger, which is weird because it's usually the opposite, Luke always goes to her for advice but she hardly ever needs advice but still tells him, but she has had such trouble with being around Rutger and not wanting to confess her feelings towards the boy. Let's face it... our girl Annalei is so incredibly in love with Rutger, it is worse than everyone's crush on Glenn Powell right now. "Luke, I think I am gonna die if can't tell him I like him soon." Anna says lying face down on her bed, the poor girls face digging into a pillow, causing her sentence to sound extremely muffled. "So just tell him that you're in love with him" Luke says as he lays next to her, his body turned to the side to look at the girl who had just picked up her head after he said that. "Luke. Let's be fucking serious I cannot bring my self to do that. And even if I was able to he does not like me back, there is just no way, he probably only sees me as Luca and Adam's sister who just follows him around all the time." Anna says on the verge of letting the bottled up tears flow out of her eyes. "Annalei I love you to death but you are actually so fucking clueless right now it's unhealthy. He does not see you as some annoying sister of his friends he is like 1000% in love with you, like any time you two are together and I see you his eyes are like sparkling it's like something I have never seen anywhere else other than Disney movies, and he is always going out of his way to make sure you are happy. So please don't be blind to fact he likes you, just go talk to him. It doesn't have to be right now or even today or tomorrow, but you have to do it soon. Trust me you will feel ten times less stress once you tell him." Luke says forcing her to look at him the whole time so she knows he means it. "Thank you so much Luke, you are the best, best friend ever I love you." Anna says hugging the boy tightly, then letting go to get up and grab her keys. "Anna I said you don't have to tell him now" Luke says with a grin. "Be serious you know damn well I am not telling him while I look like this. I am going to get Chipotle because I am starving, do you want something?" Anna says sliding on her Birkenstocks about to walk out. "Yes please, I will just come with you if thats okay." Luke responds. "Oh that works. I could have just asked if you wanted to come with me in the first place but I totally forgot." Annalei says with a slight laugh as they walk in her dorm hallway, heading to her car.

HI GUYS I HOPE YOU LIKE!! I TRIED SOMETHING NEW! and i am finally getting back with an update i am actually so sorry i haven't been active on updates lately summer has been a hot mess lmao! but i love you all lmk how you are feeling about this chapter!!

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