borrowed treasures

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A hefty weight needs to be lifted on my husband's behalf.
How could a robot named tinashe kachingwe take a man that I've been married to for a year and 12 years biblically married without a license.

How can you get married on top of another marriage alot of illuminati puppets use that against Jesus christ.
Especially his way of being in the Bible with the government I've never seen so much imaginary bullshit in my life.

That puppet robot doesn't post shit about a relationship on the gram or Twitter I get the correct notation of. They are just prostutes in the music industry I've never really met any but Abel the weeknd.

We hung out for a little he is a posing type of robot for pictures and other things about my life path.
I see them as plastic or rubber I don't see the point to marry one I also see it ass mental health problems.

I wouldn't want to be tinashe I wouldn't want her looks because it is nothing but mine after I cry for couple hours. The robot is basically a clone bot of me that my husband created my husband don't fully understand.

That I see him as having a serious mental health problem that I do not have I feel extremely bad at times.
He don't understand but I understand that he doesn't understand divine laws with governmental laws he is a newbie.

To the way of the world/life nun of that music industry crap works or is labeled as celebrity anymore. All these artificial people aka robots are not to be looked at as anything but the devil.

Who would actually murder a human being without understanding you are committing a crime against the law. To me killing them is not even a crime due to the fact of them not haveing human attributes also human remains.

Which is something they eat non human pussy get your mind that twisted hmmmm I think not.
Something ain't right about my husband everyone is so disgusting on psychical looks of a robot.

That they just disregard,disrespect a human woman for what happened to human rights regarding divine laws with governmental laws.
We should be giving what we have through universal abundance both ways if 8. speaks on spiritual psychical possessions and 9 speaks on psychical possessions from the spiritual realm.

Why can't we reap what we have without any circumstances waiting patiently is a God giving fact but why must.
We get abused,cheated on in the process eliminating competition and options in love ,finances was never a plan.

Especially with Jesus christ whoa if white played a role in black lives I think everyone will still be in slavery.
Hmmm.... don't you think shit I know I do listening to the white man on how a relationship should be.

Is not based off of factual information on the way of the world getting a divorce from a human being. for a non human robot was never of the law even the government is not human enough regarding the white house.

To do anything about anything that is going wrong with the united states isn't that why the government shut down in the first place.

Well aduh Jesus christ made man and woman who were divine masculine's and divine feminine's for a reason to. make us elites is to help run the countries that we live in welp everything seems to be copacetic.

Regarding running things without the office helping other humans get justice with the law with robots.
Nobody will have to suffer with going to jail over hitting or destroying artificial intelligent robots
Even genetically modified ones.

It doesn't make sense to go to jail over a non human which is what my lawyer said shit I was free to go.
No elite shall pass thee only top goddess empress Natasha(asha) taylor neal Brownlee seeing those bots cry acid really ticked me off.

Really missing my coffee right about now there's always the missing of one thing without the other.
Coffee no sugar or sugar no coffee lol but my goals I'm accomplishing one step at a time however iam fast paced with things.

Ascension is super fast with I along side being an elite elect is a very challenging position to be in. There is backlash there is the rushing from others in the spiritual community some not all.

My husband is very difficult to work with due to the fact he tries to put things back on the illuminati side.
Which I can't stand nun of that belongs to robots to run which comes from him wanting a sleazy wife.

Instead of good hard working women 9 to 5 ain't always hard working.
Try running a country or even the fucking world by yourself everyday without an government office.

Saying what humans need and manifesting that so humans can live safely and survive. all through my connection to christ consciousness.
Beta testers are annoying regarding my status of elect they want it but don't understand its hard to do one fuck up your in jail.

The world should not be based off criminal acts and theft the Brownlee family of non human can't stand that about thee(me) is that I succeed.
Rape,other criminal acts they commit half of my husband's family needs to be behind bars trying to steal my treasures from the divine.

You can't rape someone because you don't like they're relationship or position in life. I haven't dealt with anyone so disgusting in my life followed by an apartment of prostitution yuck.

Iam not embarrassed but when my husband goes there just yuck he don't need to embarrass me.
Getting jealous,envious of things I do better yet put in a position to handle things for Jesus christ.

Well that is who I work for the struggle is not real.

Having a million dollars will not get you success with the illuminati or even get you there.


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