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The first week of school was hell.

Maybe I'm overthinking, and maybe I'm just not used to it since summer break but it feels as if I'm in jail every time I walk through my school doors.

Here I am now, doodling on my notebook cover. I had drowned out whatever Ms Porter was saying and instead started day dreaming about finally graduating and leaving this place.

Thankfully, they haven't pounded us with homework so I was free mostly during class. However, I still had a lengthy schedule that included extracurricular activities, one of those being gym. So when the bell rang to sixth period I knew exactly where I was headed.

A large thump is hit against my shoulder, I turn my head around to see Tristan walking with his friends. His eyes dull and his lips downturned. This is how it has been this week. He acts like he hates me.

He won't even acknowledge my existence.

When I get to gym the coach immediately states we'll be running laps. Just my luck! See the thing with locs, they're heavy and when you're exercising they get hot. So the last thing you wanted was to run with waist length locs that sweat your scalp out. However, there wasn't like I had a choice so I swallowed my nerves and my pride and pulled my hair up into a tight low bun.

The run began and I was behind everyone. I tried my best to keep up but it was only a matter of time before my legs couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey! Fellow slow runner?", A voice comes from behind me as I was trying to catch my breath.

"Huh?", I pant before looking up to see another girl, light skin with full lips and sister locs smiling down on me, also trying to catch her breath, "Oh yeah I've never been good at running.. or exercising.. or anything athletic".

We laugh together as she runs beside me, the rest of the class far ahead of us.

"Same here. I don't even know why I chose gym. Maybe I was missing a credit or something", she laughs, "I'm Vanessa".

"Esmé", I reply back with a smile, "I don't think I've seen you around here before?".

"That's a pretty name. I'm new. My dad's an entrepreneur and an engineer so we move around a lot. Hopefully we don't leave during the school year like last time, I'd really like to graduate on time".

"Oh I see! So you must see a lot of different cities and stuff", I exclaim, Vanessa nodding with a grin.

"More like different countries. I'm originally from Canada but the best place to live in? Gotta be London".

"London?", she's been to London?! Now that's crazy, "Let me guess you're an expert tea drinker", I ask with a butchered English accent.

"Well I'll have you know, darling, that tea enthusiasts have nothing on the gallons I drank that year", she replies in an equally butchered English accent that causes both of us to laugh.

But we're rudely cut off by our coach screeching a whistle from the bleachers and screaming, "Come on ladies! Move it move it move it!".

"Uh oh coach might make us to sit up's if we don't catch up", I joke, Vanessa giggling with a nod.

"Yea you're right. Hey weird question though, do you happen to sit with anyone at lunch?".

I sigh and shake my head, "Unfortunately no. Besides the Lord. I am a complete and utter loser with no friends".

"Well.. so am I! Wanna be complete and utter losers with no friends together?".

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