Chapter 17~ Where is the light~

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NOTE: *WARNING - Explicit content, various forms of abuse & more*
~Don't continue if you're sensitive~
..Don't forget to give me feedback please!
I can only improve through you guys.
Ok I'm quiet now
Sorry for the cliffhanger ;)

Enjoy, xoxo ..


The green light flashes before my eyes, and a rush of cold darkness engulfs me.
The dead body of Percival Graves lying on the floor, his eyes wide open.

The shock reverberates through me, and I fight to steady my breath, even as my heart races, my handds are shaky. I can't look away from Graves' lifeless body, his eyes forever frozen in that moment of horror. The reality of Tom's ruthlessness slams into me with a force that nearly knocks me off my feet.

"Good Eva." Tom's voice is a venomous whisper in my ear while his fingers trace over my jawline, "Power and loyalty are not just words. They are actions. Remember that..."

He pulls me close, his grip painfully tight, and I can feel the cold steel of his intent

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He pulls me close, his grip painfully tight, and I can feel the cold steel of his intent.
"Now, go. Take the rest of the day off. You deserve it. And reflect on what you have seen.."

Numbly, I nod, my mind struggling to process the whirlwind of emotions and the gravity of the situation. I can barely move as Tom stops me mid walking. 

"Keep an eye on Eva," he commands Avery. "Ensure she understands the consequences of actions."

Avery nods, his eyes flickering with a hint of malice. "Of course, my lord. Consider it done."

As Avery walks towards me I feel a pain in my stomach. 
He walks me out of Hog's head and as soon as the fresh air hits my face I lean in and throw up.
I feel unbelievable sick. No. That is an understatement. I feel dead. Dead inside.. 
I can not take this.. what have I just done...... 
Avery leans over me, grabbing my hair as he pulls me back harshly to face him.
"You should be gratefull it wasn't your body lying on the floor. Weak bitch. I don't know what he sees in you, but I certainly do not see it. So do not play games." 

The fresh air seems like a distant memory as Avery's cruel words sink in. He releases me with a shove, and I stumble, barely catching myself before I fall. My mind is a haze of guilt, fear, and confusion. How did I get here? How did I become part of this nightmare?

As I walk away from the Hog's Head, the world around me blurs. The bustling sounds of Hogsmeade fade into a dull hum. My steps are slow and uncertain, each one heavy with the weight of what I've done. I can't shake the image of Graves' lifeless eyes, the shock etched on his face forever. I killed him. The thought makes me sick all over again.


My quarters at Hogwarts feel like a sanctuary and a prison. I collapse onto my bed, my body trembling. I reach for the healing potion hidden in my bedside drawer and drink it in one gulp. The familiar warmth spreads through me, easing some of the physical pain, but doing nothing for the turmoil in my heart.

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