L's pov
It was confusing. I was expecting the robbers to steal another painting today and it really was so, but that strange girl from before was also there. Plus, when the lights switched back on the painting was still there while the girl acted scared and left.
She was acting, it was really obvious. But she is a good actor.
It was obvious that she somehow managed to spoil the robbers' plan. And she was not with them. But how did she manage to accoplish such a task was a mistery for me. After a little thinking I called Watari ,,Watari, get me all informations you have about this particulary strange woman." while pointing to the girl.
Y/n's pov
After the rather uneventful weekend I went to work. Maria was awaiting me in my office and together we went through my daily tasks. I started to understand how things work at the palace and even managed to remember the map of the whole complex. At lunch-time I went with Maria to the palace's cafeteria. We sat with the librarians so the atmosphere was nice and calm. When I finished eating I decided to wander around the Palace. I took my walkie-talkie and went exploring.
I was in the middle of exploring the Undercroft chapel crypt when someone called me through the walkie-talkie.
I headed towards my office and once I arrived I could notice an older man waiting by. ,,Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" I greeted. ,,Good afternoon Miss L/n, could I have a talk with you?" ,,Sure, go ahead" I said while opening the door to my office. ,,So, what did you want to talk about?" ,,Well Miss, you surely recall what happened at the museum the other day" Something in me clicked and I immidiately turned my acting up ,,Oh yes, it was so horrible. I was terrified!"
The older man took out a laptop, opened it and showed me the screen. It showed a night vision clip from a camera. That one camera which recorded the whole encounter between me and the robbers. ,,I have a feeling you are not quite telling the truth" a voice from the laptop said. The screen turned white with a black L in the middle.
I looked up at the older man with a raised eyebrow ,,K, so what do you want?" I said while dropping the act, there was no use for it. ,,L would like to make an agreement with you miss." I turned my attention towards the screen with curiosity ,,What do you want?" ,,You surely know about the organisation that steals art from all over the world and you seem capable, therefore I want you to join me and work on this case with me." ,,And if I say no?" ,,Then we will leave you be" the older man replied with a smile. ,,What's in it for me?" ,,Catching the organisation, what alse could you want" L said with a hidden uncertainty.
,,I'm kidding" I said with a smile ,,I'm deffinitely in" ,,Great, I will send you all of the data we have and Watari will be visiting you daily" I smiled at Watari ,,Wouldn't it be easier for me and you if I would meet Watari at some arranged place so he doesn't have to commute here every day?" ,,I appriciate your concerns Miss L/n, but I it is completely fine" ,,So do we have an agreement?" L asked. ,,I mean, sure."
I recieved a mail with all of the data ,,Here are the informations and Watari will see you tommorow at the same time." L announced. Watari turned off the laptop, and left with a simple goodbye.
The rest of the week was pretty calm. I completed my tasks at the palace, Watari visited me, we talked about the case and at the evening I went home. We were a little stuck with the case considering that we had to wait for another theft, but we both agreed that they will try to steal from the British Museum again.
We estimated the time to 8 pm on Saturday.
The plan was really simple. L would be watching from the cameras and will give us orders. Me and Watari will enter the museum and try to catch the robbers at the estimated time. We had so much info about them but still couldn't find their hideout. That's when the robbers come. Mine and Watari's task was to capture all of the robbers present and get the information out of them.
I quickly packed all the essentials put my combat boots on and went to the garage for my motorbike. When I arrived Watari was already here waiting. He looked like a regular granpa but if someone looked really closely he could see the gun hidden in Watari's pocket. He looked at me with a smile ,,You did pack very light" ,,Yeah, not much needed" I replied, if only he knew about the space spell in my purse.
In reality I had packed nearly everything I could think of - med-kit, baselball bat, gun, knives, tessens, smoke bomb, salt, chalk, some amulets and protecting charms and a lot of other thing. I also had small knives hidden in my leggins and jacket.
We headed inside towards the painting which was supposed to be stolen and got prepared. I managed to climb up and attach myself to the ceiling while Watari just stood just around the corner.
We waited for a minute but then the lights went out. I tapped my earpiece informing L that the plan is in action ,,Don't do anything as long as they don't touch the painting" L said. It was visible that the robbers were more catious this timebut still acted like complete idiots. I put on my night-vision glasses and silently followed their each movement.
They were already by the painting ready to take it out of its holder when L finally commanded ,,Now" I could see Watari moving out of his spot towards the group of three robbers preparing to strike. I slowly began to slide down towards one of the robbers activating the sleep spell. As soon as I touched him he fell asleep. I quickly grabbed him and quietly laid him on the floor. When I looked back up I noticed Watari already taking care of the last robber.
The man was throwing punches left and right without thinking whitch made him an easier target. With one swing of the baseball bat he was laying on the ground along with the other two. We quickly tied them together and dragged them towards the personal exit where we had our van awaiting. I threw the man in and we left the place as soon as possible.

Detective's Angel | L Lawliet x angel reader
FanfictionWhat people don't know is that heaven is very similar to earth - it has its own hierarchy, some angels work to keep the universe running, but most of the angels just continue living their lives in the afterlife. Y/n works as a detective angel which...