Yesterday was quite uneventful. I once again rummaged throught the whole apartment and made some small changes as well as byuing a whole pack of lollipops. I then grabbed the subway card, that was lying next to John's number, and went for a little shopping. At the end I ended up with three pyjamas, five dresses, two skirts, jeans, few shirts, t-shirts and crop-tops and a bag of sweets. After returning to the apartment I just watched some series, listened to music and went to sleep.
Not today tho~
I had some rough plan and a list of places which I wanted to visit and it would deffinitely take more than three days. I even bought a ticket to Mama Mia musical. I planned spending the first four days sightseeing and then look for a job. Luckily, after accepting my new task I had a huge raise meaning that I could basically buy anything and I highly doubted that I would ever be able to spend all of it. Not that I was complaining, it was a very possitive change.
I stuffed my bag with some necessaries and went out.
A liiiittle skip
I plopped down on the couch completely exhausted.
I spent the last three and a half day wandering around London and trying to remember most of it. I even managed to roughly remember the whole map of London. It was wonderful and even the musical turned out to be very nice.
I made myself some scrambled eggs, cleaned myself up and imidiately went to sleep.
My alarm woke me up at 8 am. I had an interview which I somehow managed to arrange while visiting the Palace of Westminster. I was really glad that I took some time to think and make up my history, considering that I did not have a record. I kinda had to hack into some high-tech internet list of citizens and add me in it, but meh.
I got ready and put on jeans with a white shirt and black sneakers. After looking at the weather I decided that it would be a good idea to have a jacket with me too and finally went out. I was glad that the higher ups thoucht of this all more than me and managed to get me a motorbike. I was down to Palace parking the bike after five minutes and as soon as I stepped in the building a pretty-looking lady approached me ,,Y/n l/n?" ,,Yes ma'am" ,,Great, here is your card, please follow me."
When we finally arrived in front of some office I was already completely lost. Maria - the pretty lady that greeted me - turned around and gestured towards the office door ,,The security chief, visitor department chief and library and research department chief are already awaiting you." I thanked her, straightened my back and clothes and stepped in.
after the interview
,,... Do we have an agreement Miss Y/n?" ,,Yes ma'am" I answered with a genuine polite smile. ,,Perfect, here are your keys and card. Maria will guide you to the library and give you a tour around here. Please be here every weekday at 9 am sharp. Maria will be here for you at least for a week afterwards you hopefully won't need any more guidence. It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Y/n." the library and research department chief returned my smile, shook my hand and left through the same door as the previous two chiefs.
The interview ended rather good - I had a permanent job in the library and research services department of the Westminster palace with a really good salary.
When I left the room I once again met Maria who gave me a detailed tour through the whole palace and willingly answered all of my questions regarding my work and other things. The libraries were all pretty huge and beautiful and I immidiately knew I would really enjoy working here. Maria explained that there are groups of librarians that are assigned to each of the libraries but considering that I will also work in the research department I would somehow circulate through all of the groups.
Maria also showed me to my assigned office, where I wopuld spend mostly my work time as a researcher. It was pretty neat with a huge window, comfy office chair, office table and some shelves full of books.
I spent the rest of the day with Maria, whose patience I really admired, learning all about my new job, workplace and co-workers. All of the librarians seemed like chill people, on the other hand the researchers were all hyped up. The offices looked like a bunch of bees were inhabitating them. ,,It's pretty normal in here. Honestly you're really lucky that you got your own office." Maria commented as we moved on on the tour.
It was around 1 pm when Maria announced lunch time and took me to the palace cafeteria ,,Most employees buy their food here but you can also bring your own or go to some nearby shop or restaurant. We usually have an hour for lunch and the restautants nearby usually let us in without waiting so it's pretty managable." We got our food and Maria led me to a group of employees which I saw in the library.
The lunch was chill considering that the librarians were all super laid-back and asked me just some normal questions. After I finished I excused myself, told Maria that I will be at 2 pm at my office and went out of the palace complex to wander around.

Detective's Angel | L Lawliet x angel reader
FanficWhat people don't know is that heaven is very similar to earth - it has its own hierarchy, some angels work to keep the universe running, but most of the angels just continue living their lives in the afterlife. Y/n works as a detective angel which...