epilogue.**A Lovely Day in Paris**

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** Hotel Basement Parking Lot**

* The basement parking lot of a luxurious Parisian hotel, A sleek, elegant car is parked in a quiet corner. PARK EUN SEO, a successful businesswoman, is seated inside, listening to a random song on the stereo. She is calm and composed, waiting for her assistant.*

(*EUN SEO sits in the driver's seat, glancing at her phone. The sound of footsteps and distant screams catches her attention. She looks up, sees a MAN in a black jacket and mask running towards her car, panting.*)

MAN(*tapping on the window, desperate*) : Please, can I hide in your car? Just for a moment.

(*EUN SEO, observing the situation, hesitates for a moment but then unlocks the door. The MAN quickly gets in and ducks down.*)

MAN(*panting, grateful*): Thank you so much. Reporters and fans... they're everywhere.

(*The MAN adjusts himself in the passenger seat, catching his breath. EUN SEO, still calm, returns to her phone. He removes his mask, revealing his face. He notices her indifference.*)

MAN(*confused*): Aren't you... surprised to see me?

EUN SEO(*without looking up from her phone*): Should I be? Do I know you?

MAN(*chuckling, intrigued*): I'm Kim Seokjin. Jin from BTS.

EUN SEO( Looking at jin): what's that?

JIN(confused): you really don't know the famous boy band BTS?

EUN SEO (shrugging): ohhh band okay actually I don't really follow music. I just listen to it while driving.

( JIN, seems both amused and puzzled by her reaction. He watches as the reporters and fans disperse, leaving the parking lot.)

JIN(*sighing with relief*): Thanks for the help. (*getting out of the car*) I'm really grateful.

(*As a habit, he blows a flying kiss at her. Realizing what he did, he quickly apologizes.*)

JIN(*flustered*): Sorry, that was... automatic.

EUN SEO(*confused but amused*): It's fine.

(*JIN exits the car, giving her one last thankful nod before walking away. EUN SEO watches him go, a small smile playing on her lips.*)

** Hotel **

*EUN SEO's luxurious hotel room. She is packing her luggage, preparing for her late-night flight back to Seoul.*

(*EUN SEO packs her belongings, occasionally glancing out the window at the Parisian skyline. She pauses, thinking back to her encounter with JIN, and smiles to herself.*)

**BTS Hotel Suite**

* The suite where BTS is staying. The members are lounging around, chatting and laughing. JIN walks in, looking a bit sheepish.*

(*teasing*) Where have you been, hyung? Hiding from fans again?

JIN(*sighing dramatically*) : You wouldn't believe it. I got chased by reporters and fans and had to hide in some random girl's car.

JUNGKOOK(*laughing*): Really? How'd she react?

JIN(*smirking*): She didn't even recognize me. Said she only listens to music while driving.

V(*grinning*) Ouch, that's a blow to your ego, isn't it?

JIMIN(*playfully*): Did you at least thank her?

JIN(*blushing slightly*): I did. And... I might have blown her a kiss. By accident!

(*The members burst into laughter, teasing JIN for his automatic fan service.*)

SUGA(*chuckling*): Only you, Jin-hyung. Only you.

(*JIN joins in the laughter, the camaraderie evident as they continue to joke about the day's events.*)


* The night sky over Paris, with the Eiffel Tower illuminated in the background. EUN SEO's car is seen driving towards the airport.*

(*As EUN SEO drives, she hums along to the random song on the radio, her thoughts drifting back to the unexpected encounter in the parking lot. She smiles softly, feeling a strange sense of connection to the city and its unexpected surprises.*)


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