ep.1: New Neighbors

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*Jin is on the phone with his brother.*

JIN: (on the phone) Thanks for helping with the move. I really appreciate it. I’ll be busy with practice and shooting all day.

JIN'S BROTHER: (on the phone) No problem. I’ll take care of everything.

*Jin hangs up, looking relieved but tired.*


*Eunseo enters her apartment, exhausted. She drops her things and heads straight to the washroom. Moments later, she emerges in comfy clothes and jumps onto her bed. As she tries to sleep, she hears loud noises coming from the next apartment.*

EUNSEO: (mumbling) What the...?

*She hears the unmistakable sounds of a woman moaning and slapping noises. Eunseo, frustrated, covers her ears tightly and tries to sleep. After a while, the noise stops, and Eunseo finally drifts off.*


*Eunseo, in her jogging gear, steps out of her apartment and sees woman leaving the neighboring apartment. She shrugs it off and continues her jog.*


*Jin, masked and wearing sunglasses, enters the elevator. As the door is about to close, it’s stopped by Eunseo, who steps in. Jin’s eyes widen as he recognizes her.*

EUNSEO: (snapping fingers in front of Jin’s face) Hey, can you press the floor button?

*Jin, snapped out of his thoughts, presses the button. They ride in silence until they reach their floor.*

*Jin and Eunseo step out of the elevator. Jin heads to his apartment, followed by Eunseo. As Jin enters the password, Eunseo speaks up.*

EUNSEO: Excuse me, ........ummm could you keep it down next time?

JIN: (confused, removing his mask) What do you mean?

EUNSEO: (taken aback) Oh, it's you! I could hear you having sex last night. It was really loud.

JIN: (even more confused) I’ve been at work all day.

EUNSEO: But there are only two apartments on this floor, and I saw a girl leaving yours this morning.

*Realization dawns on Jin’s face.*

JIN: Oh no... that must have been my brother. He was helping me move in.

*Jin quickly rushes inside, calling out for his brother. Eunseo, slightly embarrassed, enters her apartment.*

*Jin finds his brother and confronts him.*

JIN: (angrily) What were you thinking bringing a girl here last night?

JIN'S BROTHER: (sheepishly) I’m sorry, hyung. It just happened.

*as jin continues his scolding, Eunseo hears muffled swearing and scolding from next door*

EUNSEO: (sighed) what a mess...

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