Introducing Park Eun Seo and Kim Seokjin

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A spacious, modern office with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city. The room is meticulously organized, with not a single item out of place.

Park Eun Seo, a 31-year-old businesswoman, sits at her sleek, glass desk, focused on her computer screen. Her expression is stoic, exuding an aura of confidence and intelligence.

Park Eun Seo, the youngest woman to own the biggest business firm in Asia, has maintained its top position for nearly three years. Known for her kindness and intelligence, she remains reserved, immersing herself entirely in the business world.

*Eun Seo’s secretary enters the room, handing her a stack of documents.*

SECRETARY: These are the reports you asked for, Ms. Park.

EUN SEO: Thank you. Leave them here.

*Eun Seo barely glances up, her focus unwavering. Her demeanor is the epitome of professionalism, her poker face revealing nothing of her thoughts.*


** CAFE **

*A cozy cafe filled with the sounds of chatter and laughter. Eun Seo sits at a table with her two best friends, Kim Ji Young and Lee Aejin. Her stern expression from the office has softened, replaced by a more relaxed and slightly clumsy demeanor.*

AEJIN: So, how’s the business world treating you, Ms. Perfect?

EUN SEO(smirking): You know it’s always crazy. But outside of that, I managed to trip over my own feet this morning.

JI YOUNG: (laughing) Classic Eun Seo! You’re like two different people.

Outside the office, Eun Seo transforms from the poised businesswoman to a clumsy and endearing friend. Her perfectionist streak fades, revealing a more human side.

*Eun Seo accidentally spills her coffee, and her friends burst into laughter.*



*A spacious practice room with mirrors lining the walls. Kim Seokjin, a 32-year-old member of BTS, is goofing around with his fellow members, his playful and mischievous personality on full display.*

JIMIN: Jin-hyung, stop making those jokes and focus!

SEOKJIN: (grinning) But my handsome face needs to breathe!

*The members laugh, but when the music starts, Jin's expression shifts to one of intense focus. His movements become sharp and precise, his playful demeanor replaced by a serious, professional one.*

Kim Seokjin, known as 'Worldwide Handsome,' effortlessly switches from playful mischief to professional seriousness. His iconic flying kiss can melt hearts, but his dedication to performance is unwavering.


** BTS DORM **

*The BTS members are gathered in the living room, laughing and chatting. Jin, sitting in the center, is cracking dad jokes, causing everyone to groan and laugh simultaneously.*

KIM SEOKJIN:Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts! ( starts laughing in the windshield wiper laugh)

JUNGKOOK: (annoyed) Hyung, your jokes are the worst!

Despite his love for dad jokes, Jin’s caring nature towards his members shines through. To him, they are more than just bandmates; they are his little brothers.

*Jin pats Jungkook on the back, a fond smile on his face, as they continue their playful banter.*


NAMJOON: Hey, Jin hyung, how's the new place coming along?

*The other members, scattered around the room, perk up with interest.*

JIN: (Smiling) It's getting there. Still sorting out a few things, but it should be ready soon.

YOONGI:(Curiously) When are you planning to move in?

JIN: Probably by the end of the week, if everything goes smoothly.

HOSEOK: (Grinning) Gonna miss us already, Jin?

JIN: (Laughing) Of course, who else is going to cook for you guys?

TAEHYUNG: (Excitedly) Can we come over and check it out?

JIN: Sure, once I've got everything set up. It's also nearby, so you're all welcome.

NAMJOON: (Playfully) Just don't forget to invite us to the housewarming party.

JIN: (Chuckling) Wouldn't dream of it.

*The room fills with chatter as they discuss who will help Jin move and what kind of place he's found. The camaraderie is evident as they tease each other good-naturedly.*

JIMIN: (Grinning) Hope your new neighbors are ready for the BTS invasion!

(Smiling) it seems there is only one neighbour next door.

*They continue chatting, the excitement palpable as they imagine their friend's new home and the memories they'll create together.*

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