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"Oh, you poor thing," sympathized one of the lady Faes, studying Elizabeth's mud-splattered and tattered attire, "you look as if you've traveled back from the dead." She chuckled

Elizabeth stood in disbelief, her eyes fixed on the immortal beings before her, half hoping that this was all just a dream. However, the unreal nature of the situation remained unchanged. Hearing about the Fae in tales is one thing, but encountering them in the flesh, especially under these circumstances, was a different realm altogether. Each Fae fixed their golden gaze upon her, clearly intrigued.

Even Kieran, the Fae for whom Elizabeth harbored an enigmatic fondness, appeared starkly different. Their appearance was a stark contrast to one another, like opposing seasons. Instead of the dark blues and purples that adorned Kieran's form, these otherworldly beings bore mesmerizing designs of gold and yellow etched upon their arms and legs.

After shaking off her daze, Elizabeth found herself at the center of the Fae's attention, feeling like a spectacle in a market. This sudden scrutiny exacerbated her anxiety.

"Is she mortal?" inquired one curious Fae.

"Why does she appear like that?" pondered another.

"She's so endearing," noted another.

As the Faes murmured amongst themselves, Elizabeth realized that they were likely just as bewildered and intrigued as she was. "Um, I didn't mean to crash your party," she gasped, her eyes wild with fear. "There was a winged beast. It almost attacked me," she cried out, her voice trembling. The fae looked on with a mixture of amusement and awe at the uninvited mortal's dramatic entrance.

As Elizabeth tried to compose herself, the fae parted to make way for a newcomer. Emerging from the trees was a figure that bore a striking resemblance to the other fae, but this time, instead of ordinary attire, they were dressed in regal clothing befitting royalty. Every movement exuded grace and poise, commanding attention and respect.

"You poor thing, it seems you've been through quite an ordeal," the regal figure remarked, casting a discerning gaze over Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry to crash your get-together. I was just trying to find safety," Elizabeth explained, her voice still shaky.

"It's quite alright. How about I offer you some tea? I can tell you need one" the regal figure said, offering Elizabeth a warm and reassuring smile that seemed to soothe her frayed nerves.

"Thank you," Elizabeth replied gratefully. Together, they walked over to where the other fae guests were gathered, drawing curious looks and whispered conversations as they passed through the crowd.

"I never got your name?" Elizabeth inquired, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her gracious host.

"It's Radiance," the figure replied, as they passed a cup of tea and a delectable pastry to Elizabeth with a gesture of kindness.

"Will Fae food make me sick?" Elizabeth questioned, eyeing the pastry suspiciously. "I heard from a friend that it would."

"No, the pastry will not make you sick," Radiance assured her, glancing over at her with a reassuring smile.

"Okay," Elizabeth replied, giving a small smile as she watched a female Fae approach their table.

"Oh, Radiance, you have a new plaything, do you?" the Fae woman said, looking Elizabeth up and down with amusement. "Humans are ever so endearing."

Before Elizabeth could protest, Radiance cut in, "Humans are amusing, aren't they? But she's only here in the meantime. I would hate for her to leave without being of acquaintance."

Elizabeth blushed in response, finding Radiance's words sweet, and took a sip of tea. But as soon as the liquid touched her tongue, her vision began to blur and a wave of nausea washed over her.

"Augh," she groaned, clutching at the table. "I thought you said that the food wouldn't make me sick." She glared weakly at Radiance.

Radiance chuckled, "You poor thing, I forgot how sensitive humans can be. Please, sit down." He guided Elizabeth to a nearby table and seated her. "I can touch your temples and make the weariness go away, may I?"

"Yes, please," Elizabeth agreed, feeling grateful for the relief.

"Thank you," Elizabeth said appreciatively, gently massaging her temples. "Do you guys reside here in the forest? It seems like such a magical place," she remarked, her eyes wandering across the majestic trees and the charming creatures that emerged as the night fell.

"We're not from the forest. We're from the Sun Palace," Radiance explained with a laugh, noticing her wonder. "That's why we're so vibrant with bright colors."

"That makes sense," she giggles, you're very kind, Radiance," Elizabeth said, looking up at him with a gentle smile, "but I must go home."

"Home?" He asks his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "You can stay here. I know a mortal like you would love a life like ours," he says, as he stands up. "Right, guys?" he asks the rest of the fae, who were unknowingly eavesdropping on the entire conversation.

"Yes, you would," another fae chimes in.

"We can give you anything you want and would like," adds another fae, eagerly offering their assistance.

Elizabeth smiles gently, feeling grateful for the offer. "Thank you, guys, but I have to decline your offer," she responds politely but firmly.

"You can live in my palace," Radiance says, his eyes sparkling as he stands up and gently grabs her arm.

"Palace?" Elizabeth thinks to herself. "I have never seen a palace in my life," she thought, feeling a mix of curiosity and bewilderment. "Palace?" she says, her confusion is evident. "I've never seen one before. But, better yet, how do you have a palace? Does every fae have one?" she asks, her face betraying a blend of confusion and amusement.

All the fae laugh, their laughter echoing through the forest. "No, beautiful," Radiance says, still smiling. "I'm the sun prince. I'm next in line for the crown, and I have a say over things like this."

As the fey continued to revel in Elizabeth's company, a sudden hush fell over the glittering assembly hall. Whispers of "Kieran" buzzed through the air, causing Elizabeth to abruptly raise her head. Her gaze locked with the figure entering the room - her savior from the night before. Moonlight only accentuated his remarkable features; his dark blue jacket bore an intricate moon crest, and his hair was elegantly swept up. A flutter began in Elizabeth's chest as questions swirled in her mind. What brought him here? Had he known she'd be in attendance? Her thoughts trailed off as she noticed Kieran standing nearby. His inscrutable expression made her skin prickle, her petite frame seeming fragile under his regard.

"Am I interrupting something?" Kieran asks in a cool tone

"No not at all," Radiance said, "It's been a while since you last joined our festivities. We were talking with our mortal friend, Elizabeth. I wanted her to join the Sun Palace," Radiance said as he smiled sweetly at her

"Oh really?" Kieran cocks an eyebrow looking Elizabeth over.

"Yes," he gives a fake smile at Kieran, " she has no companion with her so

Kieran cuts him off- "She does" A branded moon necklace pops up from the air falling into his hands,

" Stand Elizabeth"

Listening to how he said her name, Elizabeth had nothing left to do but to obey. She stood up and watched as Kieran transfixed the necklace across her neck

"She's mine"

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