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Elizabeth's mind was still reeling with thoughts of her savior as she made her way back home. His commanding presence had left a lasting impression on her, and she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the memory of their interaction. As she sat down with Mabel to discuss the day's events, including handling difficult customers and catching up on the latest gossip, the incident with her savior lingered in the back of her mind. Mabel, who was busy mopping the floor, vented about a customer who had tried to shortchange her.

"I can't believe he tried to cheat me out of my two coins," Mabel grumbled.

"Well, he always makes things right in the end," Elizabeth chuckled, reflecting on the unexpected excitement of the day.

"I can still remember vividly how you were as a little girl," Mabel said, pausing from her mopping and taking a seat across from Elizabeth. "You always displayed such compassion and had a heart of gold. It's touching to see that you still possess that same kind-hearted nature your mother had, even with all the challenges you've faced. You're still the same."

Elizabeth's heart felt a little heavier as she thought about her mother. "I make a conscious effort to see the positive qualities in people, even when others may not. I believe that anyone can endure trials and tribulations, but without a supportive community behind them, what's the purpose?"

"Okay well I'm off to get some more rolls, do you need anything while I'm out?" Mabel questioned

" No Im okay" Elizabeth stated while getting up to go to her room

Mabel took Elizabeth under her wing when she was just about two years old. Tragically, Elizabeth's mother and father passed away due to a horrible accident. Throughout her formative years, Elizabeth often felt isolated and adrift. Without her biological parents, Mabel did everything she could to provide for Elizabeth.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth couldn't escape the harsh reality of her orphaned status. She felt like an outcast, abandoned and overlooked by the world around her.

As the clock was approaching midnight, Elizabeth found herself in her room, her thoughts consumed by the events of the previous day. Sitting on her bed, she gazed up at the ceiling, her mind drifting back to the encounter with Kieran. She couldn't shake the lingering impact he had on her. Lost in reflection, she absentmindedly fingered the delicate necklace he had given her, admiring its beauty as she contemplated the impression he had left on her.

Meanwhile, outside, the village was alive with anticipation for the upcoming Moon Parade, a cherished tradition that brought the entire community together. The event was known for its lively celebrations, with the villagers coming together to revel in music, food, and drink throughout the night. However, there was an underlying concern about the potential for excessive drinking, which often led to disruptive behavior among the revelers.

Elizabeth rose from her seat and made her way over to the lively gathering, a sense of daring propelling her forward. The music pounded in her ears as she attempted to be heard over the din.

"Mabel? This is even more chaotic than last year," Elizabeth shouted, struggling to make herself heard.

"I know, but these revelers are lining my pockets, so I can't complain," Mabel replied, swiftly downing her beer in two large swigs.

"It's not all about the money, you know?" Elizabeth gently took the cup from Mabel and guided her to sit down, realizing that Mabel was quite intoxicated. "Let me get you some water. After that, we're shutting this party down."

"Aw, come on, party pooper," Mabel joked, tilting her head and grinning as Elizabeth made her way to the kitchen to fetch some water.

"Hey, watch it," a tipsy villager chided as they accidentally spilled half a pint of beer onto Elizabeth's shirt.

"Augh." Elizabeth gingerly set the cup of water down on the wooden kitchen counter and made her way to the well out back, positioned near the edge of the dense forest. "Augh, this is disgusting, I have beer all over me," Elizabeth muttered softly as she pumped water from the well in an attempt to clean the dark stains from her shirt. Despite her efforts, the stubborn marks refused to budge, leaving her feeling frustrated.

Suddenly, the ornate purple diamond necklace that she wore around her neck began to emit an intense, radiant glow, casting a deep purple hue around the vicinity, momentarily startling Elizabeth.

"Oh my!"

The unexpected sight caused her to fumble with her necklace, and it slipped from her grasp, falling to the ground. As she bent down to retrieve it, she was startled by the appearance of a disheveled, inebriated villager who had wandered into her secluded backyard.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Elizabeth exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected intruder. "Hey, you aren't supposed to be back here, girl," the villager responded with a slur, eyeing Elizabeth with suspicion.

Indignant, Elizabeth retorted, "Hey! I live here, so back off!" As the tension simmered between them, the villager's gaze fixed upon the dazzling diamond necklace that Elizabeth held tightly in her hands.

"Ay, thief! Where did you get that necklace from? No one from around these parts has luxury like that. You stole it, didn't you?" the villager accused, his voice rising with accusations.

Flustered and caught off guard, Elizabeth stammered, "What? Wait-" as she slowly edged away, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"I didn't steal anything"

"Lier," the villager shouted, his voice filled with rage, as he sprinted toward Elizabeth. Reacting on pure instinct, Elizabeth dashed into the fae forest, the very place where she had last encountered Kieran and took cover behind a towering oak tree. At that moment, her mind raced back to the cryptic words Kieran had uttered:

"This necklace is enchanted with a powerful protection spell. It will keep you safe."

Trusting Kieran's words, Elizabeth clenched the necklace in her palm and hurled it onto the forest floor as soon as her pursuer turned the corner. In an instant, the necklace emitted a burst of vibrant purple energy, materializing into thorny vines that swiftly ensnared the villager, lacerating his arms and legs.

"Help! Please, someone help me!" Elizabeth stood transfixed, aghast at the unfolding spectacle. As she attempted to retreat, a chilling sight arrested her attention as she stayed rooted to her spot behind the oak tree: a colossal eagle with powerful sinewy muscles and menacing obsidian eyes, its wings spanning across the sky, swooping down from the heavens to assail the trapped villager. The eagle's feathers were a breathtaking mix of deep blue tones, glistening in the moonlight as it descended with the grace and precision of a deadly predator. Every beat of its wings caused the air to tremble and the foliage to quiver, creating an atmosphere of dread and awe all at once. From a distance, Elizabeth watched in horror, unable to comprehend the scene unfolding before her

Elizabeth's heart pounded in her chest, her piercing scream echoed through the silent forest, sending shivers down her spine. Her feet pounded against the damp earth as she sprinted deeper into the woods, the rhythmic sounds of her breath quickening in the cold night air.

Suddenly, she came upon a clearing, and there, standing before her, was a different faction of fae. Their skin glistened with a radiant, almost ethereal, golden hue that seemed to reflect the sunlight even though it was the evening time. Their eyes were a mesmerizing array of colors, ranging from the purest gold to shades of yellow and green, each glinting like precious gems amidst the darkness of the forest.

Elizabeth's mind raced as she tried to comprehend the surreal sight before her. The fae remained motionless, exuding an otherworldly presence that sent a wave of both fear and wonder through her. This unexpected encounter with the enigmatic beings filled her with a sense of trepidation and awe, as she stood, transfixed by their captivating presence in the moonlit glade.

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