Chapter 2

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Later that middle afternoon, Amelia rides her horse next to the wagon on the road to finally arrive in Valley Forge after almost two hours traveling from the city. She begins to wonder whether her path was going to be in learning more about who she could be. She never felt so much excitement for being able to reunite with her father and maybe she could find her place in the Continental Army. Amelia jumped off her horse, Misty, to let her run out in the open field. She walked into the camp after seeing Sarah and James went to find General Washington. She walked through the camp with hope to find her father somewhere in the camp. She began feeling lost in the large camp after looking for her father to never give up on her hope in her heart. She eventually realized how she actually found herself lost in the large camp, where she tries to make her way back to see if her friends have noticed her being gone. She soon began exploring the rest of the large camp to meet so many soldiers who were in the Continental Army. She enjoyed seeing different parts of the large camp and she helped some of the soldiers in fixing up their uniforms. She turns her head around to notice young gentlemen walking towards her while she finishes up fixing one of the soldiers' uniforms.

"Are you Miss Amelia? I was sent by General Washington to find you after I heard from some of the soldiers about a young lady who got herself lost in the camp. This young lady who had helped fix some of their uniforms with her sewing skills." The young gentleman said to Amelia,
Amelia listened to the young gentleman while she was happy to be found by someone who knew General Washington. She looks at the young gentleman as she gets up from sitting on the ground and she gives back the soldier his finished fixed uniform. She follows the young gentleman through the camp while she looks at him with a kind smile on her face.

"Yes, I am Miss Amelia and I was actually looking for my father after finally arriving from a two hours journey from the city. Then I got very lost in the large camp and I began helping the soldiers in fixing their uniforms. I was more glad to help them out by using my sewing skills. My mother taught me how to fix my father's uniforms when I was thirteen years old. Would it be alright if I could ask your name?" Amelia asked the young gentleman,
Young gentleman listened to Amelia while Washington was right about Aaron's younger daughter. He remembered Colonel Williams speaking about his younger daughter who had written him a letter every month and she had a fearless spirit. He looked for his younger daughter although the large camp is not so hard to find his way. He turned his head to look at Amelia while they were walking through the camp.

"I am Alexander Hamilton, I'm aide-de-camp for General Washington and he let me take a break from writing to find you. Is it truly amazing to meet the younger daughter of Colonel Williams after hearing so much about you from your father. I'm deeply sorry that your father is not here to be on a supplies mission and he will be back this evening. He did indeed have put me and Washington trust in making sure that you would be welcome to Valley Forge." Hamilton said to Amelia,
Amelia listened to Hamilton as she felt like her heart dropped as she was sad that her father was gone for helping the Continental Army. She continued to listen to Hamilton while they walked towards Washington's tent, where her two friends walked out of the large tent. Hamilton walked into the large tent while Sarah walked towards Amelia while she let James get the wagon ready.

"Amelia, I do hope that I could stay with you here in Valley Forge, but me and James have to return to Pennsylvania. I want to wish you the bestest of luck in spending time with your father and do give my regards to him, wherever you see him." Sarah said to Amelia,
Amelia holds Sarah's hands to remember what her parents taught her about helping others and finding the courage inside of her heart. She looked at Sarah as she stayed strong in knowing she would see her friend once again.

"Sarah, I wouldn't be sad to know that you are helping write for Benjamin Franklin's newspaper. I do hope that we could see each other again and I will have some stories from my travels in other colonies for the newspaper." Amelia said to Sarah, Amelia let her friend, Sarah, join James to return to the city and she walked into the large tent. She entered the large tent where she saw Washington walking towards her with Hamilton by his side.

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