2 - 𝘉-13

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"I guess we're stuck together." She said, grabbing a hoodie from her bag and placing it in the dresser.

"I'm Jo, Beth's friend." I finally managed to say, breaking the spell that seemed to have enveloped me.

She offered a small smile. "Billie." Her voice was calm as she continued putting clothes away.

"You can put your stuff in that drawer there, and there's some sheets for the bed in the closet, and there's a little lock box right there. " She points over to a small wooden drawer beside the bed.

The room was small with brown log walls and a large window in between the two beds. I looked at the small wooden lock box sitting on the bed with a key taped to the top where I could keep any valuable belongings, I guess I shouldn't have brought my metal lock box from home.

"It's okay,  I don't think I'll be staying in this cabin for that long." I put my duffle at the end of the squeaky single bed against the wall.

"Wait, why?" Her head turned and looked back at me, she was so gorgeous I almost forgot to reply.

"Oh, well Beth said I was bunking with her for the summer so she's going to go tell the camp director there was a mistake." I took a seat on the bed.

"Every summer like clockwork." Billie laughed. I looked up at her wondering what she was saying.

"What do you mean?" I crossed my legs on the mattress.

"It's just...every summer she tries changing everything before we even get settled in." She said and took a seat infront of me on her side of the room.

"And by changing everything you mean?" I seeked more information.

"Cabins, roommates, schedules. She always switches things around for everyone so she can get her away." Billie said, taking off a few silver rings from her fingers that caught the sun rays peeking through the soft curtains.

"Yeah she did that in school too." I laughed. There was a silence in the air for a moment before she continued.

"She talked about you...alot." She says.

"She did?" I smiled knowing she speaks of me as much as I do her.

"Yeah, I basically know everything about you." Billie said, staring into my eyes. My mouth slightly opened, unsure how to reply.

"Bil how do you manage to get stuck in shitty B-13 every year!" Beth yells before appearing at the window from outside.

"Mrs. Kelly is probably still mad at me for the shit I pulled last summer. Besides this cabin isn't even shitty, it's just...older." Billie said, causing them both to giggle.

"What happened last summer?" I wanted to know more about it.

"I'll tell you later, seriously come on guys were going to be late!" Beth loudly reminded us. "Oh and Bil Im gonna go ask Mr. Davis, if I can switch cabins with you, so Jo and I can stay together."

"Well wait, who's rooming with you?" Billie said, looking almost annoyed with Beth.


"Fuccck no." Billie huffed.

"Billie, come on, why not?" Beth whined tilting her head towards her shoulder.

"I'm not having Angie as my roommate, not after last year." She said, the previous summer kept being brought up between the two of them, making me have more questions I was curious to get answers to.

"Whatever we will talk about after orientation." Beth said and walked toward the front of the cabin, leaving me and Billie alone once again.

"I guess you'll be unpacking your stuff here after all." She smiled, some of her jet black hair fell covering her rosy cheeks.

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