CH 11 Azula - Winds of Change

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The morning air feels different as I slowly regain consciousness. It's sweeter somehow, as if the power that surged through me yesterday has permeated the very atmosphere. I blink, my eyes adjusting to the soft light filtering through the curtains.

As my vision clears, I notice Cinder  curled up in a chair beside my bed, her small form looking uncomfortable but her face peaceful in sleep. My heart swells with affection for my little sister. Carefully, I try to sit up, intending to cover her with a blanket.

A sharp pain lances through my body, and I gasp, freezing in place. It feels as if every muscle is constricted, refusing to move freely. Gritting my teeth, I manage to reach for a nearby throw and drape it over Ember, wincing with each movement.

Hours later, after drifting in and out of sleep, I'm jolted awake by Blaze's stern voice.

"Azula, what were you thinking?" he demands, pacing at the foot of my bed. "That demonstration was beyond reckless. You could have been killed!"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Good morning to you too, brother," I croak, my voice still raw.

Blaze's scowl deepens. "This isn't a joke, Azula. Father is furious. Your little stunt has thrown the entire court into chaos."

Before I can retort, Mother enters with a maid, carrying a tray of food and fresh clothes. "That's enough, Blaze," she says firmly. "Your sister needs rest, not lectures."

As Mother helps me wash up and change, I notice Ember stirring. "You should get some proper rest, little sister," I tell her softly.

Ember shakes her head stubbornly. "I want to stay with you. I was so worried..."

Mother smiles gently. "Come, Cinder. Let's get you to bed. Azula will be fine, I promise."

As they leave, I settle back against my pillows, my mind whirling with questions about yesterday's events. The power I felt, the way Tenebris's shadows had intertwined with my flames... it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

The afternoon sun is high when a knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts. "Come in," I call out, my voice stronger now.

To my surprise, Princess Eclipsa enters, her dark eyes filled with concern. "Princess Azula," she says softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been trampled by a herd of fire lizards," I admit with a wry smile. "How's Tenebris? I'm so sorry about the plan, I never expected—"

Eclipsa holds up a hand, shaking her head. "Don't apologize. Tenebris is recovering, much like you. And as for what happened..." A strange look crosses her face. "I have a theory about that."

My curiosity piques. "Oh?"

She leans in, her voice low. "The way your powers combined, it wasn't weakening as we expected. It was as if—"

Another knock interrupts us, and Blaze enters, his face set in a scowl when he spots Eclipsa. "You have a guest," he announces curtly. "I think it's time for Princess Eclipsa to return to her room."

I glare at my brother, but Eclipsa rises gracefully. "Of course. We'll speak more later, Princess Azula."

As she leaves, Blaze opens the door wider, revealing my "guest." My heart sinks as I recognise the tall, handsome figure of Prince Gale from Aerylion, the Air Kingdom.

"Princess Azula," Gale says, his voice as smooth as ever. "I came as soon as I heard about the... incident. Are you alright?"

I force a smile, trying to ignore the way Blaze is hovering protectively. "I'm fine, Prince Gale. Thank you for your concern."

Gale moves closer, his brow furrowed with worry. "When I heard about the demonstration with the shadow prince, I feared the worst. What were you thinking, putting yourself in such danger?"

I bristle at his tone, so similar to Blaze's lecturing. "I was thinking about the future of our kingdoms," I reply coolly. "Sometimes, risks are necessary for progress."

Gale exchanges a look with Blaze, and I feel my temper flaring. "Perhaps," Gale says carefully, "it would be best if we postponed our courtship until things have... settled."

For a moment, I'm stunned into silence. Then, a laugh bubbles up from my chest, surprising us all. "Oh, Gale," I say, shaking my head. "I couldn't agree more."

Both Gale and Blaze look taken aback by my reaction. I can't help but compare Gale's cautious concern to the exhilarating connection I felt with Tenebris during our demonstration. There's no contest.

"If that's all," I say, suddenly feeling exhausted, "I think I need to rest now."

As they leave, I catch a glimpse of dark hair and silver eyes in the corridor. Tenebris? But before I can be sure, the door closes, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I sink back into my pillows, my mind racing. Eclipsa's interrupted theory, Gale's unexpected visit, and the lingering memory of shadows and flames intertwining... Something is changing, shifting the very foundations of our world.

And despite the pain, despite the uncertainty, I can't wait to see what comes next.

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