CH 8 Tenebris - Embers of Trust

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The throne room falls silent as the weight of my words sinks in. I stand tall, my gaze steady despite the oppressive heat and light of Pryannon that threatens to overwhelm my shadow-accustomed senses. The hostility radiating from King Pyreus and Prince Blaze is palpable, but it's the younger princess who captures my attention.

Princess Azula steps forward, her eyes fixed on the withered moon lily petals in my hand. "May I?" she asks, reaching out hesitantly.

I nod, allowing her to take a petal. As her fingers brush mine, I feel a jolt of... something. A connection, fleeting but undeniable. Our eyes meet for a moment, and I see a spark of understanding there that both intrigues and unsettles me.

"Father," she says, turning to King Pyreus, her voice steady and clear. "I think we should at least hear them out. If there's even a chance they're right..."

I can't help but admire her courage. Standing up to both her father and brother, in front of the entire court no less, is no small feat. Perhaps there's more to these fire elementals than I initially thought.

King Pyreus's expression softens slightly as he looks at his daughter. The silence stretches, tension thick in the air. Just as I begin to wonder if we've made a grave mistake in coming here, a new voice breaks the stillness.

"Then it's decided," Queen Emberylnn speaks, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Prince Tenebris, Princess Eclipsa and prince Obsidian, shall stay with us until we determine the truth of their claims and what can be done to address this... situation."

I feel a mixture of relief and apprehension wash over me. We've gained a foothold, but staying in this realm of eternal daylight... it goes against every instinct I possess. Still, I know we have no choice. If we're to save our world, we need the support of the fire kingdom. Once they lead, the other elemental realms will follow.

"Your Majesty," I say, bowing my head to Queen Ignis. "We are grateful for your hospitality. However, I believe it would be wise for my brother to return to Umbralaion. If we need anything from our realm, or if our people require guidance in these uncertain times..."

Obsidian shoots me a sharp look, but I press on. "Plus, someone needs to protect our kingdom and our parents in my absence."

King Pyreus nods curtly. "A sensible precaution. Prince Obsidian may depart at his convenience. Prince Tenebris and princess Eclipsa,  you will be given quarters suitable for your... unique needs."

I turn to Obsidian, speaking softly in our native tongue. "I know you don't like this, brother, but it's necessary. Keep our people safe, and be ready for anything your are the one I trust and the one that will take over if anything happens to me."

He sighs but nods. "Very well, brother. But be careful. I don't trust these light-dwellers, no matter how accommodating they may seem, and look out for our sister."

As Obsidian prepares to leave and says goodbye to Eclipsa, Princess Azula approaches me once more. "Prince Tenebris," she says, her voice low. "I have so many questions. About your realm, about the Umbral Core... would you be willing to speak with me privately?"

I study her face, searching for any sign of deceit. Finding none, I nod slowly. "Of course, Princess. I'd be honoured to share what I know."

"Azula," Prince Blaze cuts in, his tone sharp. "You can't seriously be considering—"

"Enough, Blaze," Queen Emberlynn interrupts. "Your sister has shown wisdom beyond her years today. Perhaps we could all learn something from her open-mindedness." She walks back to what looked like the youngest princess and king Pyreus.

I watch as a silent exchange passes between the royal family members. There's clearly more going on here than meets the eye, layers of tension and unspoken words that I can only guess at.

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