𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒

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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

ASTORIA WISHED SHE COULD coop herself in her room immediately, but she was embarrassed enough as is. Change the plot? Yeah, right. She could barely change a semi-minor event from the book. Only one prophecy changed, and even then, the outcome was the same. She was a side-character at best, and it was stupid of her to forget that.

Her feet swept the loose dirt, causing a mini duststorm for a few poor flowers growing in the area. The strawberry fields next to her bristled as if the dust particles were an insult to their luscious, ruby selves.

"Sorry," she said to no one in particular.

The strawberries were unresponsive to her apology.

"Thanks a lot," Astoria huffed in frustration. She stomped all away back to the Big House. Even Will, whose adorable, innocent mind couldn't comprehend what transpired at the creek, could not pull her away from her march to madness.

When she finally reached the porch, she yanked the door open. What used to be a frown on her face morphed into pure shock and embarrassment. For the second time today. Because Astoria was so preoccupied with her thoughts, she totally forgot about the council.

Mr. D, Chiron, Zoë, Bianca, Grover and all the present camp's cabin leaders were staring at her. She stared back like she was Grover's uncle, Ferdinand. 'Oh my gods.'

Her eyes met with Percy for a moment, and reality crashed over her. Astoria quickly looked away and cleared her throat. She robotically walked squeezed through the knees and table with her cheeks aflame, desperate to pass through as fast as possible. Percy's eyes never left her body as she struggled to move.

"Excuse- yep- thank you- sorry!"

She finally pushed her way to the stairs and scrambled up the steps.

"Don't mind me!" she cried out. "You guys keep picking your five people!"

"Five?" someone repeated, but Astoria didn't hear it.

She leaped into her bed, throwing her shoes at the wall. There was a few moments of rest before she started beating up her mattress and pillows.

"I can't believe I forgot about that meeting," she groaned. "Argh!" Astoria beat her bed for a long 5 minutes while smothering her embarrassments for the day. Her arms hung on the side of her bed and she buried her face into her awkwardly-shaped pillow.

"I'm such an idiot," she murmured.

Her eyelids grew dense.

"You need to make more sense," Astoria whispered to Apollo. "Your number one adoptee is going crazy over here..."

She didn't get a reply, but the sunlight bathed her into a comfortable sleep, letting all her worries to rest.

In her sleep, Astoria dreamt of a hill. It was a nice patchy of green that oversaw the low valley of Camp Half-Blood. Small dandelions grew on the zenith, some still yellow, others in a cloud of white. The sky shined a pretty blue with the watercolored clouds gently traveling past the ground.

"Wow," she murmured.

"Pretty, right?"

Astoria's head craned to the right.

It was Percy. But not the Percy she knew.

This one... was older, more handsome, and was brimming with confidence.

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