Eight: Music to the Ears

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"Just be careful, princess. I'll be right there in five hours tops if you'd just give me the word, I swear."

I smile and nod. It's at times like this that I wonder where I'd end up without Aaron. Probably dead. "Thanks Aaron. You know I'll kick his ass all the way to the moon if he tries anything."

Aaron chuckles halfheartedly. Worry is still etched onto his face though he's trying to hide it. "Right, you do that."

"Okay, so enough depressing matters, how's the job going? You haven't updated me on anything about our client yet," I whine.

"Hey, don't blame it on me. It's not my fault that little miss busy is too busy to Skype me."

I cross my arms, feigning hurt.

"Aw, come on, you can't be mad at me," Aaron pouts, despite being a twenty-five year old. How immature. I stick my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and continues. "So, our client's name is Will, just Will. He looks like he's still in college. We've gotten some details about the person he's looking for. Apparently, she's a girl, around your age, and she's his girlfriend or something like that."

"Have you run a background check on this Will guy?"

"Working on it. He wouldn't give his last name, though that's not something too weird, you know how our clients are." I nod, understanding what he means. Most of our clients refuse to give their last name in fear of their family getting hurt in the process. It's highly unlikely, because we're absolutely professional, and safe, but they don't know that. "We've got his thumb print and Oren is uploading it to the server as we speak."

"Okay, any more about the missing girlfriend?"

"Brunette, brown-eyed, not very tall." He scrunches his nose as he scrutinizes me. "I'd say his description of her fits you."

I gulp, the paranoia kicking in. "Are you sure it's not really me he's looking for? Maybe he's going on undercover working with the March Madness?" They're not unreasonable theories.

"It might just be a coincidence, but I'll be on the lookout. It might take awhile for the thumb print to match up on the database so I'll have Grim and Jace tail him around for a couple of weeks and we'll see what we have."

"Okay," I croak, my throat gone dry. "Does he seem suspicious during your meeting?"

Aaron's eyebrows knit together as he tries to remember. "Not at all. He's a true gentleman, that one. I wonder what's the motive behind his girlfriend's runaway."

"If she's even his girlfriend to start with."

Aaron pauses and puts a hand to the screen. "Hey, don't be scared. Even though we're miles apart, I won't let anyone or anything get to you, you know that, right?"

I nod dizzily. My head is spinning. I grab the table for support and try to put my other hand over Aaron's. 

"Princess, are you okay?"

I nod again, but I'm not sure if I'm nodding or shaking my head. "I'm fine. I'll sign off now and get some rest. See you soon, bro."

"Scream if you have to, the Baxters will take care of you."

"I know."

I don't even bother to disconnect or turn off my laptop before slumping down on my bed, the world around me reeling at a rapid speed. I hug Lance close to my chest, feeling the early signs of migraine settling in. It's not the first time. Migraine is something I've inherited from father. Another reason why mother hates me.

Someone knocks on my door. I don't get up to answer but the person barges inside anyway. It's Erin, I don't even need to look. I know it's her once I feel her chirpy always enthusiastic aura invade my room.

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