Friends in Need

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At Alfea, Griselda had the girls stand before her. "Your intrusion into Cloudtower was extremely rude, young ladies." Griselda scolded them. "You exposed yourselves to great danger. That's why your powers have been revoked. It is sufficient punishment. For me, however sufficient is not enough. Now, just so you remember this lesson, you will spend the entire day at school, and you will clean the castle from top to bottom."

"Um, the whole castle?" asked Flora.

"No, just the stairs, corridors, classrooms and bathrooms." said Griselda.

"Oh, well, that's okay." whined Stella. "I thought it would be worse, honestly."

"And since you do not have access to your magic powers for the moment." Griselda said as she grabs a broom. "These are your work tools."

"What a strange object." said Tecna, then goes on her hand held. "Let see what my computer says about it."

"Oh, and one more thing." said Griselda and closes Tecna's small computer. "No techno gadget allowed."

"Now that worries me." said Tecna.

"Yeah, it shows." Musa tells her. "Sad news obviously upsets you."

"By Tecna standards, she has actually shows too much emotion." chimed Flora.

"I know." Tecna said. "Ever since I've met you guys, I easily lose control." The others started laughing as Tecna started getting frustrated. "It wasn't a joke. A simple observation."

"Young ladies! Quiet!" Griselda said, raising her voice over their laugher. "Tomorrow I'll conduct an inspection. Everything better be clean, now go."

"I'll take whatever emotion I can get from you, Tecna." said Rose as they left Griselda's office. "What we're doing is not even close to when I had to clean the dojo of my Akido instructor."

"You've learned your lesson from that, right?" She asked.

"I did and so much more." Rose told her. "Never clean the boys locker room, they'll just mess it up again. It was disgusting."

"You complained about it for months." said Bloom.

"Yeah but you didn't see what I was seeing, Bloom." Rose tells her. "It was not only a mess and disgusting, but I had to tell my instructor that they never aimed correctly."

"Ew! Gross!" said Tecna, Musa, Stella and Flora.

"It's why I'm never giving you a nephew when the time comes." said Rose as they reached the stairs.

"Its not hard to use a broom. Want me to show you how?" Flora asked with a broom in hand as Rose starts to polish the staircase wood.

"Nah, I'm sure I can figure out how to use these primitive implements." said Tecna, picking up the bucket and takes a closer look.

"Are you sure?" questioned Flora.

"Of course." Tecna assures her.

"Are you really, really sure you don't want any help?" asked Flora as Rose stood behind her and smiled in glee at Tecna, who was now wearing the bucket on her head.

"I can handle the situation, Flora. Don't worry and Rose, stop smiling like that. Its creepy." said Tecna as she picks up the broom and feels the bristles. She then looks up at one of the paintings and starts dusting. "See?"

"Indeed, we see." they said as Tecna continued dusting to the point where the painting fell to the ground.

"I think I might have done something wrong." said Tecna as the painting fell and broke on the stairs.

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