Up to their old Trix

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That night at Alfea, Aisha was in the infirmary resting. While lying there, she started having nightmares of the Shadow Phoenix and the Pixies. The Winx were in their room, trying to figure out what had happened to Aisha.

"Relax, Bloom and Rose." said Flora as Bloom paces and Rose does a front walkover. "I know it's been 4 days. But she'll wake up, I'm sure."

Kiko heard them talking and placed his pillow over his ears while Lavender was knocked out cold. Stella growls as she sits up from Bloom's bed. "If we're going to stay up with them all night, let's talk about important stuff." she said. "You think she's got a boyfriend?"

"Oh my god, Stella!" Rose, going into a one hand walkover.

"What? I'm just curious." Stella tells her.

"Would you rather talk about Brandon's girlfriend?" asked Musa.

"And who is Brandon's girlfriend?" Stella asked.

"You are, Stella. Remember?" Tecna asked as Stella looks at Musa who just gave her a smile. The Winx started laughing as Stella forgot that she was the only one that Brandon had eyes for. "The sun will be up in exactly 12 minutes."

"Oh no!" Flora exclaimed. "None of us has slept a wink. How will we stay awake tomorrow?"

"You mean today." said Tecna.

"Don't worry, let's just sleep in. It's the first week of school." Stella said. "Classes are optional."

"Yeah, sure Stella." Musa said, yawning. "Great way to start the year."

"Fine, fine. Bedtime ladies." said Stella, giving in. "Enough talk about boys."

As the others left, Flora looks at the twins, seeing Rose hug her sister. "Don't worry, you two." Flora said, placing a hand on their shoulders. "She'll be fine."

At a temple somewhere in Magix, people were doing tasks to help out as monks watched them. "It's hard to believe, isn't it?" one asked his friend. "These gentle folks were once harden criminals."

"I don't understand why they're allowed to walk about freely." said the monk's friend.

"We believe in rehabilitation." said the monk. "This isn't a prison."

"Maybe, but these people have more freedom that we'll have in our entire lifetime." said the monk's friend.

"But can't you see what peace and meditation is doing for them?" the monk asked.

"I don't think it's working for everyone." his friend tells him.

"You speak of the three witches Lady Faragonda sent us." said the monk.

"Yes." said the second monk. "They keep shouting day in and day out. They've not made any progress since they've arrived here at Light Rock monastery. They'll never be rehabilitated."

"Brother, no one is beyond redemption." said the first monk.

In the fields, the Trix were taking one of their walks. "This is the third time we've walked into the horizon to end up back where we started." Darcy said as Stormy angrily growls.

"This is totally useless!" Stormy shouted. "We'll never get out of here."

"If only our magic worked here, we'd be out so fast." commented Icy.

"I'm beat." Darcy said, lying on the ground.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, children and seniors." said a voice on the speaker. "Here is Brother Titerus from the Light Rock weather station."

"The forecast for tomorrow is clear skies with a soft breeze from the northwest with temperatures hovering around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The same scenario can be expected for the next several years." said Titerus.

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